215 Senate Building, Utah State Capitol Complex

                                                                 February 18, 2016


Members Present:     Sen. Alvin B. Jackson, Chair

                                    Sen. J. Stuart Adams

                                    Sen. Wayne A. Harper

                                    Sen. David P. Hinkins

                                    Sen. Karen Mayne

                                    Sen. Kevin T. Van Tassell      


Staff Present:             Mr. Alex Janak, Policy Analyst

                                    Mr. Chandler Young, Committee Secretary


NOTE:  A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.



Chair Jackson called the meeting to order at 8:09.


H.B.   0140     Public Utilities and Technology Committee Name Change (Rep. S. Handy)


Rep. Handy explained the bill to the committee.      


MOTION:  Sen. Hinkins moved to pass the bill out favorably.  The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Adams absent for the vote.


MOTION:  Sen. Hinkins moved to place the bill on the Consent Calendar.  The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Adams absent for the vote.


H.B.   0129     Towing Surcharge Amendments (Rep. K. Stratton)


Rep. Stratton explained the bill to the committee.


MOTION:  Sen. Hinkins moved to pass the bill out favorably.  The motion failed with Sen. Harper, Sen. Mayne, and Sen. Van Tassell voting against the motion.


S.B.   0161      Highway Signage Amendments (Sen. J. S. Adams)


Sen. Adams explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke to the bill:         Mr. Robert Saunders, Saunders Outdoor Advertising

                                    Mr. Jared Johnson, YESCO


Spoke for the bill:       Ms. Teri Sunderland, Traverse Mountain Outlets      

                                    Mr. Jeff Hartley, Lehi City    


MOTION:  Sen. Harper moved to pass the bill out favorably.  The motion passed unanimously.


H.B.   0210     Media Production Vehicle Exemption (Rep. D. McCay)


Rep. McCay explained the bill to the committee.     


MOTION:  Sen. Hinkins moved to replace H.B 210 with 1st Substitute H.B. 210. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Adams absent for the vote.


MOTION:  Sen. Hinkins moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 210 out favorably.  The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Adams absent for the vote.


MOTION:  Sen. Hinkins moved to place the bill on the Consent Calendar.  The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Adams absent for the vote.



MOTION:  Sen. Harper moved to approve the minutes of the February 16, 2015 meeting.  The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Adams absent for the vote.    



MOTION:   Sen. Hinkins moved to adjourn.  The motion passed unanimously.


Chair Jackson adjourned the meeting at 8:57





Sen. Alvin B. Jackson, Chair