Room 415, Utah State Capital
9, 2016
Members Present: Sen.
Margaret Dayton, Chair
Luz Escamilla
Lyle W. Hillyard
David Hinkins
Alvin B. Jackson
Daniel W. Thatcher
Staff Present: Ms. Megan
Bolin, Policy Analyst
Lori Brinkerhoff, Secretary
NOTE: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts
are filed with the committee minutes.
Dayton called the meeting to order at 3:13 p.m.
MOTION: Sen. Hinkins moved to approve the minutes
of the February 5, 2016, meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Sen.
Escamilla, Sen. Hillyard, and Sen. Thatcher absent for the vote.
63 Survey Monument Replacement
(Sen. R. Okerlund)
Sen. Okerlund explained the bill to the committee with
assistance from Reid Demman, Salt Lake County Surveyor.
MOTION: Sen. Hinkins moved to amend
the bill as follows:
1. Page 1, Lines 12 through 15:
12 ▸ addresses
the timing for certain notices to the county surveyor; and
13 { ▸ requires the Monument Replacement and
Restoration Committee to execute a
14 memorandum of understanding with the Department of Agriculture and
Food and
15 the Department of Natural Resources regarding monument preservation;
2. Page 2, Line 48 through Page 3, Line 65:
48 (b)
file the record of each reconstruction or rehabilitation under
Subsection [(3)] (4)(a).
49 {(5) (a)
The following entities shall execute a memorandum of understanding that
50 the requirements described in Subsection (5)(b):
51 (i) the
Department of Agriculture and Food, created in Section 4-2-1, and the
52 committee; and
53 (ii) the
Department of Natural Resources, created in Section 79-2-201, and the
54 committee.
55 (b) A memorandum
of understanding described in Subsection (5)(a) shall:
56 (i) include a
requirement that the Department of Agriculture and Food or the
57 Department of Natural Resources give notice to the committee
before beginning work that may
58 disturb a monument; and
59 (ii) address:
60 (A) the timing
and form of a notice described in Subsection (5)(b)(i);
61 (B) how the
parties will coordinate efforts to protect existing monuments when the
62 Department of Agriculture and Food or the Department of Natural
Resources performs work
63 that may disturb a monument; and
64 (C) the
committee's responsibility to communicate with the appropriate county when
65 the committee receives a notice described in Subsection
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Escamilla and
Sen. Thatcher absent for the vote.
Hinkins moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with
Sen. Escamilla and Sen. Thatcher absent for the vote.
S.B. 92
Municipal Landscape Amendments (Sen. S.
Jenkins explained the substitute bill to the committee.Spoke for the bill: Gary Crane, Legal Counsel, Layton City
MOTION: Sen. Hillyard moved to replace
S.B. 92 with 1st Sub. S.B. 92, “Water Conservation Amendments.” The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Escamilla and Sen. Thatcher absent
for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Hinkins moved to
amend 1st Sub. S.B. 92 as follows:
1. Page 3,
Lines 66 through 67
66 [(viii)]
(H) existing
or potential
statutes, ordinances, codes, or regulations designed to encourage
67 efficient
use of water by means such as water efficient fixtures and water
landscapes , including restrictions on grass
MOTION: Sen. Hinkins moved to pass 1st Sub. S.B. 92 as amended out
favorably. The motion passed with Chair Dayton voting in opposition, and Sen.
Escamilla and Sen. Thatcher absent for the vote.
48 Board Membership Restrictions (Sen. L. Escamilla)
the request of the sponsor, this bill was not considered.
S.B. 114 Municipal Utilities Amendments (Sen. J. Stevenson)
Sen. Stevenson explained the amended bill to the
committee with assistance from Gary Crane, Utah League of Cities and Towns.
MOTION: Chair Dayton moved to
replace S.B. 114 with 1st Sub. S.B. 114. The motion passed unanimously with Sen.
Escamilla and Sen. Thatcher absent for the vote.
against the bill: Billy Hesterman, Utah Taxpayer’s Association
Eric Irom,
Century Link
MOTION: Sen. Hillyard moved to
move to the next item on the agenda. The motion passed with Sen. Escamilla,
Sen. Hinkins, and Sen. Thatcher absent for the vote.
123 Residential Facilities Amendments (Sen.
K. Mayne)
Sen. Mayne explained the substitute bill to the
committee with assistance from Travis Wood, Utah Center for Addiction
Providers, and Adam Cohen, Oddysey House Treatment.
Hillyard moved to replace S.B. 123 with 1st Sub. S.B. 123, “Office
of Licensing Amendments.” The motion passed unanimously with Sen.
Escamilla, Sen. Hinkins, and Sen. Jackson absent for the vote.
for the bill:
Diane Moore,
Department of Public Transportation Shawn
Fernandez, Utah Association of Addiction Treatment Providers
Thatcher moved to pass 1st Sub. S.B. 123 out favorably. The motion passed
unanimously with Sen. Hinkins and Sen. Jackson absent for the vote.
H.B. 89 Office
of State Debt Collection Reporting Amendments (Rep. C. Hall)
Harper explained the bill to the committee.
MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved to
pass the bill out favorably. The motion
passed unanimously with Sen. Hinkins and Sen. Jackson absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Hillyard moved to place H.B. 89 on
the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Hinkins and Sen.
Jackson absent for the vote.
H.B. 12 Disaster Recovery for Local Governments (Rep. C. Oda)
Oda explained the bill to the committee.
MOTION: Sen. Hillyard moved to
pass the bill out favorably. The motion
passed unanimously with Sen. Hinkins and Sen. Jackson absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Hillyard moved to adjourn. The motion
passed unanimously with
Sen. Hillyard and Sen.
Jackson absent for the vote.
Dayton adjourned the meeting at 4:31 p.m.
Margaret Dayton, Chair