Room 450, State Capitol

March 2, 2016


Members Present:                Rep. Ken Ivory, Chair

                                                Rep. Stephen G. Handy, Vice Chair

                                                Rep. Patrice M. Arent

                                                Rep. Scott H. Chew

                                                Rep. Kay J. Christofferson

                                                Rep. Brad L. Dee

                                                Rep. Rebecca P. Edwards

                                                Rep. Lynn N. Hemingway

                                                Rep. Keven J. Stratton

                                                Rep. Earl D. Tanner


Members Absent:                 Rep. Keith Grover 


Staff Present:                        Mr. Adam J. Sweet, Policy Analyst

                                                Ms. Lisa Jones, Committee Secretary

Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.


Vice Chair Handy called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m.


MOTION:     Rep. Hemingway moved to adopt the minutes of the February 29, 2016 meeting. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Arent, Rep. Edwards, Rep. Ivory, and Rep. Stratton absent for the vote.


HB0380S01    Utah Communications Authority Amendments (Rep. B. Dee)

Rep. Dee explained the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Christofferson moved to adopt amendment 3 as follows:


1.    Page 1, Line 21:  


21         establishes requirements for the comprehensive strategic plan;  

             establishes a technical advisory committee to the Utah Communications Authority; 


2.    Page 2, Line 49:  


49   63H-7a-803, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 411  




3.    Page 10, Line 283:     


283   63H-7a-207.   Utah Communications Authority Technical Advisory Committee.

       (1) (a) The executive director shall establish a technical advisory committee for the authority composed of nine members appointed under Subsection (1)(b).

       (b) The board shall appoint nine members of the public to the technical advisory committee who demonstrate:

       (i) knowledge of highly technical communications network systems, including:

       (A) the operation of the systems; and

       (B) the technical specifications of the systems' components;

       (ii) experience with communication network planning, including development of new systems and the expansion of existing systems;

       (iii) knowledge of microwave and fiber optics based communications systems and how the communications systems integrate across carrier circuits;

       (iv) a strong understanding of the public safety radio system; and

       (v) experience with level of service agreements for telecommunications.

       (2) (a) The advisory committee shall annually elect a chair for the advisory committee by selecting from members described in Subsections (1)(b).

       (b) Staff and contracting services to the advisory committee shall be provided by the executive director's office.

       (3) An advisory committee member:

       (a) shall not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service on the advisory committee;

       (b) is not required to give bond for the performance of official duties; and

       (c) can be removed from the advisory committee by the board based on rules adopted by the board.

       (4) A majority of the advisory committee constitutes a quorum for voting purposes.

       (5) The advisory committee shall:

       (a) provide input and guidance to the authority and its divisions concerning the public safety communications network;

       (b) advise the authority and its divisions regarding standards related to the public safety communications network;

       (c) review and make recommendations for the authority's strategic plan;

       (d) provide information and evaluate industry trends related to the authority's responsibilities; and

       (e) make recommendations regarding the development of cooperative partnerships.


               Section 5. Section 63H-7a-302 is amended to read:


A substitute motion was made and Rep. Christofferson's original motion was not returned to and voted on by the committee.



MOTION:     Rep. Stratton moved to adopt amendment 1 as follows:


1.    Page 2, Line 28:  


28Appropriations Committee before issuing bonds;  

             requires legislative approval in accordance with certain parts of the Utah Administrative Services Code before a bond may be issued;  


2.    Page 16, Line 489:     


489 (a)  in accordance with Subsection 63A-5-104(3),  issue bonds from time to time for any of its corporate purposes provided in Section


3.    Page 18, Lines 531 through 534:    


531 (1) The Utah Communications Authority is exempt from:

532 [(a) Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act;]

533 [(b)] (a) Title 63A, Utah Administrative Services Code, except as provided in {  Section  }  Sections 

53463A-4-205.5  and 63A-5-104(3)  ;


The substitute motion failed, with Rep. Chew, Rep. Christofferson, and Rep. Stratton voting in favor, with Rep. Arent, Rep. Edwards, and Rep. Ivory absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Stratton moved to adopt amendment 2 as follows:


1.    Page 3, Lines 71 through 72:   


7163H-7a-307; {  and  }

72   (b) seven state representatives appointed in accordance with Subsection (3)  ; and

       (c) two members of the public appointed as follows:

       (i) one appointed by the president of the Senate; and

       (ii) one appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives  .


The motion failed, with Rep. Christofferson and Rep. Stratton voting in favor, with Rep. Arent, Rep. Edwards, and Rep. Ivory absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Handy moved to adopt amendment 3 as follows:

1.    Page 1, Line 21:  


21         establishes requirements for the comprehensive strategic plan;  

             establishes a technical advisory committee to the Utah Communications Authority; 


2.    Page 2, Line 49:  


49   63H-7a-803, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 411  




3.    Page 10, Line 283:     


283   63H-7a-207.   Utah Communications Authority Technical Advisory Committee.

       (1) (a) The executive director shall establish a technical advisory committee for the authority composed of nine members appointed under Subsection (1)(b).

       (b) The board shall appoint nine members of the public to the technical advisory committee who demonstrate:

       (i) knowledge of highly technical communications network systems, including:

       (A) the operation of the systems; and

       (B) the technical specifications of the systems' components;

       (ii) experience with communication network planning, including development of new systems and the expansion of existing systems;

       (iii) knowledge of microwave and fiber optics based communications systems and how the communications systems integrate across carrier circuits;

       (iv) a strong understanding of the public safety radio system; and

       (v) experience with level of service agreements for telecommunications.

       (2) (a) The advisory committee shall annually elect a chair for the advisory committee by selecting from members described in Subsections (1)(b).

       (b) Staff and contracting services to the advisory committee shall be provided by the executive director's office.

       (3) An advisory committee member:

       (a) shall not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service on the advisory committee;

       (b) is not required to give bond for the performance of official duties; and

       (c) can be removed from the advisory committee by the board based on rules adopted by the board.

       (4) A majority of the advisory committee constitutes a quorum for voting purposes.

       (5) The advisory committee shall:

       (a) provide input and guidance to the authority and its divisions concerning the public safety communications network;

       (b) advise the authority and its divisions regarding standards related to the public safety communications network;

       (c) review and make recommendations for the authority's strategic plan;

       (d) provide information and evaluate industry trends related to the authority's responsibilities; and

       (e) make recommendations regarding the development of cooperative partnerships.


               Section 5. Section 63H-7a-302 is amended to read:


The motion failed, with Rep. Chew and Rep. Christofferson voting in favor, with Rep. Edwards and Rep. Ivory absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Hemingway moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Edwards and Rep. Ivory absent for the vote.


HB0451          Solar Access Protection Amendments (Rep. V. L. Snow)


Rep. Snow explained the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Hemingway moved to replace H.B. 451 with 1st Sub. H.B. 451. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Dee, Rep. Edwards, Rep. Ivory, and Rep. Stratton absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Arent moved to hold the bill in committee.



MOTION:     Rep. Christofferson moved to return the bill to the Rules Committee. The motion failed with Rep. Christofferson voting in favor, and Rep. Dee absent for the vote.


Rep. Arent's original motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Dee absent for the vote.


SB0074S01    Aviation Amendments (Sen. W. Harper) (Rep. K. Christofferson)


Due to time constraints, the bill was not considered.


MOTION:     Rep. Stratton moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.


Vice Chair Handy adjourned the meeting at 9:43 a.m.









Ken Ivory, Chair