Room 415, Utah State Capitol

March 4, 2016


Members Present:     Sen. Margaret Dayton, Chair

                                    Sen. Luz Escamilla

                                    Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard

                                    Sen. David P. Hinkins

                                    Sen. Alvin B. Jackson

                                    Sen. Daniel W. Thatcher


Staff Present:             Ms. Megan Bolin, Policy Analyst

                                    Ms. Tonya Hadley, Committee Secretary


NOTE:  A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.


Chair Dayton called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m.


MOTION:  Sen. Jackson moved to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2016 meeting.  The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Escamilla, Sen. Hillyard, and Sen. Hinkins absent for the vote.    


HB 132 S01 Local Government Licensing Amendments (Rep. Anderegg)


Rep. Anderegg explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke to the bill:                     Mr. Cameron Diehl, Director of Government Relations, League of Cities and Towns

Spoke in opposition:               Ms. Elaine Augustine, self-employed

                                                Peter Augustine, child

                                                Eli Augustine, child

                                                Ella Augustine, child


MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved to pass the bill out to the floor with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Escamilla,

                     Sen. Hillyard and Sen. Hinkins absent for the vote.


HB 324 Capital Facilities Revisions (Rep. Edwards)


Rep. Edwards explained the bill.


Sen. Thatcher moved to pass the bill to the floor with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously.


HB 86 S01 Postretirement Employment Restrictions (Rep. Cunningham)


Rep. Cunningham explained the bill to the committee.


MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved to delete 1st Sub. HB 86 and replace it with 3rd Sub. HB 86.  The motion passed unanimously.     


MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved to adopt amendment one. The motion passed unanimously.


Spoke against the bill:             Mr. Dan Liljenquist, Past Legislator

                     Mr. Stan Rasmussen, Director of Public Affairs, Sutherland Institute


Spoke for the bill:                   Mr. George Chapman, self 

Mr. Larry Bergeson, Superintendent, Washington County School District

                                                Mr. Kelly Atkinson, Executive Director, Fraternal Order of Police

Mr. Brandon Smith, Research Analyst, League of Cities and Towns

Mr. Todd Losser, Executive Director, Utah Public Employee Association


Spoke to the bill:                     Officer Justin Simons, Police Officer, Draper City Police Department

Chief Tom Ross, Bountiful Chief of Police and President of         UCOPA


MOTION: Sen. Jackson moved to move to the next item on the agenda.


SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Sen. Escamilla moved to pass HB86SO3 to the floor with a favorable recommendation. The motion was withdrawn.


The original motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Hinkins absent for the vote.


HB 318 S02 Point of the Mountain Development Commission Act (Rep. Wilson)


Sen. Stevenson explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke in favor of the bill:       Mr. Lynn Pace, Advisor, League of Cities and Towns

                                    Mr. Wilf Sommerkom, Director, Regional Planning for Salt Lake County


MOTION:  Sen. Hinkins moved to pass the bill out favorably.  The motion passed unanimously.


HB 322 S01 State Building Designation (Rep. Duckworth)


Rep. Duckworth explained the bill to the committee.


MOTION:  Sen. Hinkins moved to pass out the bill to the floor with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously.


MOTION:   Sen. Hinkins moved to adjourn.  The motion passed unanimously.


Chair Dayton adjourned the meeting at 9:50 a.m.



Sen. Margaret Dayton, Chair