Room 415, Utah State Capital

March 7, 2016


Members Present:                             Sen. Margaret Dayton, Chair

                                                            Sen. Luz Escamilla

                                                            Sen. Alvin B. Jackson

Sen. David Hinkins

                                                            Sen. Daniel W. Thatcher


Members Excused:                            Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard                                    


Staff Present:                                     Ms. Megan Bolin, Policy Analyst

                                                            Ms. Lori Brinkerhoff, Secretary


NOTE:   A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.


Chair Dayton called the meeting to order at 4:16 p.m.


S.B.  257        Public-Private Partnership Amendments (Sen. R. Okerlund)

Sen. Okerlund explained the bill to the committee with assistance from Michael Parker and Abbey Aldrich, Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce.


MOTION:      Sen. Hinkins moved to pass S.B. 257 out favorably. The motion passed with Chair Dayton voting in opposition.


H.B. 392         Executive Appropriations Committee Report Amendments (Rep. D. Sanpei)


Rep. Sanpei explained the bill to the committee.


MOTION:      Sen.  Hinkins moved to pass H.B. 392 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.


H.B. 10 S04     Initiative and Referendum Amendments (Rep. B. Greene)

Rep. Greene explained the bill to the committee.

Spoke for the bill:  Scott Hogenson, Utah County Clerk Office

                               Mark Thomas, Lieutenant Governor’s Office

MOTION:     Sen. Jackson moved to pass H.B. 10 S04 out favorably.  The motion passed unanimously.

H.B. 348 S01      Mountainous Planning District Amendments (Rep. B. Dee)


At the sponsor’s request, this bill was not heard.



H.B. 351           Attorney General Fiscal Amendments (Rep. S. DiCaro)


Rep. DiCaro explained the bill to the committee.


MOTION:      Sen. Hinkins moved to pass H.B. 351 out favorably.  The motion passed unanimously.



H.B. 373         Missing and Exploited Children’s Day (Rep. S. Handy)   

Rep. Handy explained the bill to the committee with assistance from Elaine Runyan, citzen.

MOTION:      Sen. Hinkins moved to pass H.B. 373 out favorably.  The motion passed    unanimously.


H.B. 338         Juneteenth Holiday Observance (Rep. S. Hollins)


Sen. Jackson explained the bill to the committee with assistance from Betty Sawyer, Juneteenth Observation Committee.


MOTION:      Sen. Jackson moved to pass H.B. 338 out favorably.  The motion passed    unanimously.


MOTION:     Sen. Hinkins moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.


Chair Dayton adjourned the meeting at 4:57 p.m.




Sen. Margaret Dayton, Chair