Wednesday, February 1, 2017 • 2:00 p.m. • 445 State Capitol

Members Present:

Rep. James A. Dunnigan, Chair

Rep. Marc K. Roberts, Vice Chair

Rep. Susan Duckworth

Rep. Gage Froerer

Rep. Adam Gardiner

Rep. Timothy D. Hawkes

Rep. John Knotwell

Rep. Mike K. McKell

Rep. Jeremy A. Peterson

Rep. Mike Schultz

Rep. Jon E. Stanard

Rep. R. Curt Webb

Rep. Mark A. Wheatley

Rep. Brad R. Wilson

Staff Present:

Ms. M'kynzi E. Newbold, Policy Analyst

Ms. Linda Service, Legislative Session Worker

Note: A list of others present, a copy of related materials, and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at le.utah.gov.

Chair Dunnigan called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m.


MOTION:     Vice Chair Roberts moved to approve the minutes of the January 30, 2017 meeting. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-7.




Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. M. McKell

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. M. Wheatley

Rep. B. Wilson


Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. J. Stanard

Rep. R. Webb

1. 1st Sub. S.B. 33 Consumer Protection Revisions (Bramble, C.)

Sen. Bramble explained the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Schultz moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 33 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-4.





Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. M. McKell

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. R. Webb

Rep. M. Wheatley

Rep. B. Wilson


Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. J. Stanard


MOTION:     Rep. Schultz moved to place 1st Substitute S.B. 33 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-4.




Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. M. McKell

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. R. Webb

Rep. M. Wheatley

Rep. B. Wilson


Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. J. Stanard

2. H.B. 188 Local Historic District Amendments (Wilson, B.)

Rep. Wilson explained the bill.


MOTION:     Vice Chair Roberts moved to pass H.B. 188 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-2.





Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. M. McKell

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. R. Webb

Rep. M. Wheatley

Rep. B. Wilson


Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. J. Stanard

3. H.B. 196 Division of Real Estate Amendments (Froerer, G.)

Rep. Froerer explained the bill.

Mr. Jonathan Stewart, Director, Utah Division of Real Estate, spoke in favor of the bill.

Mr. Chris Kyler, Utah Association of Realtors, spoke in favor of the bill.


SUBSTITUTE MOTION:   Rep. Duckworth moved to replace H.B. 196 with 1st Substitute H.B. 196. The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-2.




Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. J. Stanard

Rep. R. Webb

Rep. M. Wheatley

Rep. B. Wilson


Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. M. McKell


MOTION:     Rep. Froerer moved to amend 1st Substitute H.B. 196 with Amendment #1 as follows:


1.    Page 42, Lines 1271 through 1272:        




  an individual  


  a person  
who as owner or lessor performs an act described in Subsection

127261-2f-102(18) with reference to real estate owned or leased by that






The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-2.




Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. J. Stanard

Rep. R. Webb

Rep. M. Wheatley

Rep. B. Wilson


Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. M. McKell



MOTION:     Rep. Hawkes moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 196, as amended, out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-2.




Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. J. Stanard

Rep. R. Webb

Rep. M. Wheatley

Rep. B. Wilson


Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. M. McKell



MOTION:     Rep. Schultz moved to place 1st Substitute H.B. 196, as amended, on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-2.





Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. J. Stanard

Rep. R. Webb

Rep. M. Wheatley

Rep. B. Wilson


Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. M. McKell



4. H.B. 178 Good Landlord Amendments (King, B. S.)


Rep. King explained the bill.


Mr. Dan Davidson spoke in favor of the bill.


Mr. Cameron Diehl, Director of Government Relations, Utah League of Cities and Towns, spoke against the bill.


Mr. Bill Tibbetts, Director, Coalition of Religious Communities, spoke in favor of the bill.


Mr. Mark Johnson, Chief Administrative Officer, Ogden City, spoke against the bill.


Ms. Anna Thomas, Strategic Communications Officer, American Civil Liberties Union of Utah, spoke in favor of the bill.


Mr. Dan Blanchard, Deputy Director of Adult Probation and Parole, Utah Department of Corrections, spoke in favor of the bill.


Mr. Gary Williams, Ogden City, spoke in opposition to the bill.


Ms. Shannon Cox, Journey of Hope, spoke in favor of the bill.


Ms. Gloria Froerer spoke in opposition to the bill.


Mr. Jason Thornton spoke in favor of the bill.


Mr. Steve Erickson, Crossroads Urban Center and Utah National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, spoke in favor of the bill.


Mr. Ron Gordon, Executive Director, Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, spoke in favor of the bill.


Ms. Jennifer Valencia, Director, Utah Sentencing Commission, spoke in favor of the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Wheatley moved to pass H.B. 178 out favorably. The motion was substituted.









MOTION:     Rep. Peterson moved to hold H.B. 178. The motion failed with a vote of 6-7-1.




Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. R. Webb

Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. M. McKell

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. J. Stanard

Rep. M. Wheatley

Rep. B. Wilson



MOTION:     Rep. Wheatley moved to pass H.B. 178 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 8-5-1.




Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. M. McKell

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. J. Stanard

Rep. M. Wheatley

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. R. Webb

Rep. B. Wilson



MOTION:     Vice Chair Roberts moved to adjourn at 3:55 p.m. The motion passed with a vote of 13-0-1.




Rep. S. Duckworth

Rep. J. Dunnigan

Rep. G. Froerer

Rep. A. Gardiner

Rep. T. Hawkes

Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. M. McKell

Rep. J. Peterson

Rep. M. Roberts

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. J. Stanard

Rep. R. Webb

Rep. M. Wheatley


Rep. B. Wilson







Rep. James A. Dunnigan, Chair