Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality

Appropriations Subcommittee


The committee chairs have scheduled the following meeting:


                                    DATE:      Thursday, February 9, 2017

                                    TIME:       8:00 a.m.

                                    PLACE:    Room 210, Senate Building




Sen. David P. Hinkins, Chair

Rep. Ken Ivory, Chair

Rep. Scott H. Chew, House Vice Chair


                  Sen. Jim Dabakis                                             Rep. Kay J. Christofferson

                  Sen. Margaret Dayton                                      Rep. Susan Duckworth

                  Sen. Don Ipson                                                Rep. Brian M. Greene

                  Sen. Peter C. Knudson                                     Rep. Stephen G. Handy

                  Sen. Ralph Okerlund                                       Rep. Timothy D. Hawkes

                  Sen. Evan Vickers                                           Rep. Karen Kwan

                                                                                          Rep. Michael E. Noel

                                                                                          Rep. Lee B. Perry

                                                                                          Rep. Marc K. Roberts

                                                                                          Rep. Keven J. Stratton



Staff:         Ivan D. Djambov, Fiscal Analyst                     Alex Wilson, Fiscal Analyst

                                                                                          Greta Rodebush, Secretary



Please be aware that the public portions of this meeting will be broadcast live over the Internet. Also, be aware that an audio recording of the public portions of this meeting, along with any materials presented or distributed in the public portions of this meeting, will be posted on the Legislature’s website. Witnesses with questions or concerns should contact staff.


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Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality

Appropriations Subcommittee

Thursday, February 9, 2017, 8:00 a.m.


1.      8:00 a.m.      Approval of Minutes


2.      8:05 a.m.      RFA – Bear Lake Invasive Species Inspections – Rep. Webb


3.      8:12 a.m.      RFA – Bear Lake Marina Environmental Impact Statement – Sen. Hillyard 


4.      8:19 a.m.      RFA – Rebate Program for Water Reduction Devices – Rep. Christofferson


5.      8:26 a.m.      RFA – State Watershed Initiative Match – Sen. Okerlund


6.      8:33 a.m.      RFA – Surveyor’s Monument Replacement – Sen. Okerlund


7.      8:40 a.m.      RFA – Utah Lake Carp Removal – Rep. Greene


8.      8:47 a.m.      RFA – Wellington City Water Damage Cleanup – Rep. Watkins


9.      8:54 a.m.      RFA – Constitutional Defense Fund – Sen. Van Tassell


10.  9:01 a.m.      RFA – Funding for Expansion of Willard Bay State Park Day Use Area – Rep. Perry


11.  9:08 a.m.      RFA – Avian Sanctuary and Protection – Rep. Romero


12.  9:15 a.m.      RFA – Wild Horses and Burros Management – Rep. Stratton


13.  9:22 a.m.      RFA – Federal Deficit to Virgin River Program – Rep. Noel


14.  9:29 a.m.      RFA – Foundation for Integrated Resource Management (FIRM) – Rep. Noel


15.  9:36 a.m.      RFA – Energy Education Campaign – Rep. Noel


16.  9:43 a.m.      RFA – Federalism Curriculum – Phase II – Rep. Ivory


17.  9:50 a.m.      Agriculture and Food


18.  10:15 a.m.    State Fair Corporation


19.  10:22 a.m.    Wildlife Resources


20.  10:29 a.m.    School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration


21.  10:36 a.m.    RFA – Public Hunting Access – Sen. Hinkins


22.  10:43 a.m.    Other Business