Tuesday, January 31, 2017 • 2:00 pm • 30 House Building

Members Present:

Rep. Mike Schultz, Chair

Rep. Kay J. Christofferson, Vice Chair

Rep. Walt Brooks

Rep. Justin L. Fawson

Rep. Lynn N. Hemingway

Rep. Michael S. Kennedy

Rep. John Knotwell

Rep. Karen Kwan

Rep. Jefferson Moss

Rep. Robert M. Spendlove

Rep. John R. Westwood

Members Absent:

Rep. Val K. Potter

Staff Present:

Mr. Alex R. Janak, Policy Analyst

Karen C. Allred, Committee Secretary

Note: A list of others present, a copy of related materials, and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at le.utah.gov.

Chair Schultz called the meeting to order at 2:13 p.m.


MOTION:     Rep. Hemingway moved to approve the minutes of January 26, 2017. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4.




Rep. W. Brooks

Rep. K. Christofferson

Rep. L. Hemingway

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Kwan

Rep. J. Moss

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. J. Westwood


Rep. J. Fawson

Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. V. Potter

Rep. R. Spendlove

Chair Shultz gave the Committee directions about the work they doing.

1. H.B. 192 Minuteman Highway Designation (Thurston, N.)

Rep. Thurston explained the bill with the assistance of Major Chris Kroeber, Utah National Guard Association.


MOTION:     Rep. Westwood moved to pass H.B. 192 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-3.




Rep. W. Brooks

Rep. K. Christofferson

Rep. J. Fawson

Rep. L. Hemingway

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Kwan

Rep. J. Moss

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. J. Westwood


Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. V. Potter

Rep. R. Spendlove


MOTION:     Rep. Brooks moved to place H.B. 192 on the Consent Calendar.


2. The committee will receive an update from the following transportation agencies:

Ms. Abby Osborne, Executive Director, Utah Transportation Coalition discussed a report on Utah's Unified Transportation Plan.

Mr. Mike Caldwell, Mayor, Ogden City discussed the report on Utah's Unified Transportation Plan.

Mr. Andrew Gruber, Executive Director, Wasatch Front Regional Council discussed how transportation is planned, its purpose and the funding needs for the plan.

Mr. Gary Gygi, Mayor, Cedar Hills and Chair, Mountainland Association of Governments discussed a program, the Metropolitan Planning Organizations.

Mr. Andrew Jackson, Executive Director, Mountainland Association of Governments also discussed MPO's.

Mr. Carlos Braceras, Executive Director, Utah Department of Transportation discussed the UDOT portion of the Utah's Unified Transportation Plan.

Mr. Robert McKinley, Board of Trustees Chair, Utah Transit Authority discussed history of the UTA board and what that agency does.

Mr. Jerry Benson, President & CEO, Utah Transit Authority discussed what UTA does and that they are participants in the Unified Transportation Plan.


MOTION:     Rep. Spendlove moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-5.




Rep. W. Brooks

Rep. K. Christofferson

Rep. L. Hemingway

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Kwan

Rep. M. Schultz

Rep. J. Westwood


Rep. J. Fawson

Rep. J. Knotwell

Rep. J. Moss

Rep. V. Potter

Rep. R. Spendlove

Chair Schultz adjourned the meeting at 3:59 p.m.


                                                            Rep. Mike Schultz, Chair