Wednesday, February 1, 2017 • 2:00 pm • 20 House Building

Members Present:

Rep. Brad M. Daw, Chair

Rep. Michael S. Kennedy, Vice Chair

Rep. Stewart E. Barlow

Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck

Rep. Craig Hall

Rep. Sandra Hollins

Rep. Kelly B. Miles

Rep. Paul Ray

Rep. Edward H. Redd

Rep. Robert M. Spendlove

Rep. Norman K Thurston

Rep. Raymond P. Ward

Staff Present:

Mr. Mark D. Andrews, Policy Analyst

Mr. Steve Benard, Committee Secretary

Note: A list of others present, a copy of related materials, and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at

Chair Daw called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.

1. H.B. 185 Office of Licensing Amendments (Sanpei, D.)

Rep. Dean Sanpei presented the bill.

Laurieann Thorpe, Foster Families of Utah, spoke in favor of the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Miles moved to pass H.B. 185 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. P. Ray


MOTION:     Rep. Thurston moved to place H.B. 185 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. P. Ray

2. 1st Sub. S.B. 22 Utah Commission on Aging Sunset Amendments (Shiozawa, B.)

Rep. Stewart Barlow presented the bill.

Mr. Rob Ence, Aging Commission, spoke in favor of the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Thurston moved to amend 1st Substitute S.B. 22 with Amendment #2. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.


1.    Page 4, Line 104:       


104 (1) The commission shall be composed of




voting members as follows:




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. C. Hall

Rep. P. Ray


MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 22 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. C. Hall

Rep. P. Ray


3. S.B. 28 Repeal of Health and Human Services Reports (Vickers, E.)


Sen. Evan J. Vickers presented the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to pass S.B. 28 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. P. Ray


MOTION:     Rep. Thurston moved to place S.B. 28 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. P. Ray


4. H.B. 146 Partial Filling of a Schedule II Controlled Substance Prescription (Barlow, S.)


Rep. Stewart Barlow presented the bill.


Mr. Dave Davis, Retail Merchants Association, spoke to the bill.


Ms. Michelle McOmber, Utah Medical Association, spoke in favor of the bill.


Ms. Amy Coombs spoke to the bill.


The committee moved to the next item on the agenda without a vote.

5. Minutes


MOTION:     Rep. Spendlove moved to approve the minutes of the January 30, 2017, meeting. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. P. Ray


6. H.C.R. 10 Concurrent Resolution Encouraging Identification and Support of Traumatic Childhood Experiences Survivors (Redd, E.)


Rep. Edward H. Redd presented the bill.


Dr. Ryan Hassan, pediatrician, spoke in favor of the bill.


Dr. Susie Wyatt spoke in favor of the bill.


Ms. Ashley Strassburger spoke in favor of the bill.

MOTION:     Vice Chair Kennedy moved to pass H.C.R. 10 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-0.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward




7. H.B. 50 Opioid Prescribing Regulations (Ward, R.)


Rep. Raymond P. Ward presented the bill.


Mr. Richard Nance, Director, Utah County Department of Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment, spoke in favor of the bill.


Mr. Brian Allen, representing Workers' Compensation Fund and Optum, spoke to the bill.


Spencer Merrick, student, spoke in favor of the bill.


Michele McOmber, Utah Medical Association spoke to the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Thurston moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 7-4-1.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. R. Ward

Rep. R. Spendlove


Chair Daw adjourned the meeting at 4:02 p.m.





Brad M. Daw, Chair