Tuesday, February 14, 2017 • 2:00 p.m. • 30 House Building
Members Present: Rep. Jeremy A. Peterson, Chair Rep. Patrice M. Arent Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck Rep. Brad M. Daw Rep. Merrill F. Nelson Rep. Lee B. Perry Rep. Val L. Peterson |
Members Absent: Rep. Norman K Thurston, Vice Chair Rep. Daniel McCay Rep. Dean Sanpei Staff Present: Mr. Brian J. Bean, Policy Analyst Karen C. Allred, Committee Secretary |
Note: A list of others present, a copy of related materials, and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at le.utah.gov.
Chair Peterson called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.
MOTION: Rep. Arent moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2017 meeting . The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-4.
Yeas: |
Nays: |
Abs: |
Rep. P. Arent Rep. R. Chavez-Houck Rep. B. Daw Rep. M. Nelson Rep. J. Peterson Rep. V. Peterson |
Rep. D. McCay Rep. L. Perry Rep. D. Sanpei Rep. N. Thurston |
1. 2nd Sub. S.B. 69 Notification Requirements for Ballot Proposals (Anderegg, J.)
Sen. Jacob Anderegg presented the bill.
Mr. Brandon Smith, Utah League of Cities and Towns, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Arent moved to pass 2nd Substitute S.B. 69 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-3.
Yeas: |
Nays: |
Abs: |
Rep. P. Arent Rep. R. Chavez-Houck Rep. B. Daw Rep. M. Nelson Rep. L. Perry Rep. J. Peterson Rep. V. Peterson |
Rep. D. McCay Rep. D. Sanpei Rep. N. Thurston |
2. S.B. 137 Fiscal Requirements for Local Governments and Nonprofits (Bramble, C.)
Sen. Curtis Bramble presented the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Arent moved to replace S.B. 137 with 1st Substitute S.B. 137. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-3.
Yeas: |
Nays: |
Abs: |
Rep. P. Arent Rep. R. Chavez-Houck Rep. B. Daw Rep. M. Nelson Rep. L. Perry Rep. J. Peterson Rep. V. Peterson |
Rep. D. McCay Rep. D. Sanpei Rep. N. Thurston |
MOTION: Rep. Arent moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 137 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-3.
Yeas: |
Nays: |
Abs: |
Rep. P. Arent Rep. R. Chavez-Houck Rep. B. Daw Rep. M. Nelson Rep. L. Perry Rep. J. Peterson Rep. V. Peterson |
Rep. D. McCay Rep. D. Sanpei Rep. N. Thurston |
MOTION: Rep. Daw moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-3.
Yeas: |
Nays: |
Abs: |
Rep. P. Arent Rep. R. Chavez-Houck Rep. B. Daw Rep. M. Nelson Rep. L. Perry Rep. J. Peterson Rep. V. Peterson |
Rep. D. McCay Rep. D. Sanpei Rep. N. Thurston |
Chair Peterson adjourned the meeting at 2:37 p.m.
Rep. Jeremy A. Peterson, Chair