Friday, February 17, 2017 • 8:00 am • 30 House Building

Members Present:

Rep. Val L. Peterson, Chair

Rep. Kim F. Coleman, Vice Chair

Rep. LaVar Christensen

Rep. Bruce R. Cutler

Rep. Justin L. Fawson

Rep. Francis D. Gibson

Rep. Daniel McCay

Rep. Carol Spackman Moss

Rep. Derrin R. Owens

Rep. Marie H. Poulson

Rep. V. Lowry Snow

Members Absent:

Rep. Eric K. Hutchings

Rep. Bradley G. Last

Rep. Michael E. Noel

Staff Present:

Ms. Allyson R. Goldstein, Policy Analyst

Ms. Lorna Wells, Committee Secretary

Note: A list of others present, a copy of related materials, and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at le.utah.gov.

Chair Coleman called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

1. H.B. 249 Higher Education Financial Literacy Amendments (Spendlove, R.)

Rep. Robert M. Spendlove explained the bill.

Mr. Spencer Jenkins, Assistant Commissioner, Utah System of Higher Education, spoke in favor of the bill.

Mr. Andrew Larsen, student, spoke to the bill.

Ms. Rachel Wright, teacher, spoke to the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Cutler moved to replace H.B. 249 with 1st Substitute H.B. 249. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-6.




Rep. K. Coleman

Rep. B. Cutler

Rep. J. Fawson

Rep. F. Gibson

Rep. C. Moss

Rep. D. Owens

Rep. V. Peterson

Rep. M. Poulson


Rep. L. Christensen

Rep. E. Hutchings

Rep. B. Last

Rep. D. McCay

Rep. M. Noel

Rep. V. Snow


MOTION:     Rep. Peterson moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 249 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-6.




Rep. K. Coleman

Rep. B. Cutler

Rep. J. Fawson

Rep. F. Gibson

Rep. C. Moss

Rep. D. Owens

Rep. V. Peterson

Rep. M. Poulson


Rep. L. Christensen

Rep. E. Hutchings

Rep. B. Last

Rep. D. McCay

Rep. M. Noel

Rep. V. Snow


MOTION:     Rep. Peterson moved to approve the minutes from the 2/13/17 and 2/15/17 meetings. The motion passed unanimously.

2. 1st Sub. S.B. 100 Early Childhood Services Coordination Amendments (Millner, A.)


MOTION:     Rep. Peterson moved to return 1st Substitute S.B. 100 to the Rules Committee The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-6.




Rep. K. Coleman

Rep. B. Cutler

Rep. J. Fawson

Rep. F. Gibson

Rep. C. Moss

Rep. D. Owens

Rep. V. Peterson

Rep. M. Poulson


Rep. L. Christensen

Rep. E. Hutchings

Rep. B. Last

Rep. D. McCay

Rep. M. Noel

Rep. V. Snow

3. H.B. 223 Elementary School Counselor Pilot Program (Eliason, S.)

Rep. Steve Eliason explained the bill.

Ms. Angie Stallings, Deputy Superintendent, Utah State Board of Education, spoke in favor of the bill.

Lillian Tsosie-Jensen, Coordinator School Counseling Programs, Utah State Board of Education, spoke in favor of the bill.

Ms. Holly Todd, Specialist K-12 Counseling Program, Utah State Board of Education, spoke in favor of the bill.

Ms. Linda Hansen, Member, State Board of Education, spoke in favor of the bill.

Ms. Stacy Grover, fourth grade teacher, spoke in favor of the bill.

Ms. Crystal Demass, teacher, spoke in opposition to the bill.

Ms. Julie Scherzinger, Jordan School District School Counselor, spoke in favor of the bill.

Mr. Chris Olson, teacher, Canyons School District, spoke in opposition to the bill.

Ms. Melanie Burnham, University of Utah Masters in Social Work student, spoke in favor of the bill.

Ms. Marianne Oborn, Tooele School District, spoke in favor of the bill.

Ms. Kim Herrera, Tooele School District, spoke in favor of the bill.

Ms. Rhett Larsen, counselor, Stansbury High School spoke in favor of the bill.

Ms. Dina Kohler, counselor, Canyons School District, spoke in favor of the bill.

Ms. Amy Martz, school administrator, spoke in favor of the bill.

Dr. Sara Jones, Utah Education Association, spoke in favor of the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Owens moved to replace H.B. 223 with 1st Substitute H.B. 223. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-4.




Rep. L. Christensen

Rep. K. Coleman

Rep. B. Cutler

Rep. J. Fawson

Rep. F. Gibson

Rep. D. McCay

Rep. C. Moss

Rep. D. Owens

Rep. V. Peterson

Rep. M. Poulson


Rep. E. Hutchings

Rep. B. Last

Rep. M. Noel

Rep. V. Snow


MOTION:     Rep. Cutler moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 223 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-3.




Rep. L. Christensen

Rep. K. Coleman

Rep. B. Cutler

Rep. J. Fawson

Rep. F. Gibson

Rep. D. McCay

Rep. C. Moss

Rep. D. Owens

Rep. V. Peterson

Rep. M. Poulson

Rep. V. Snow


Rep. E. Hutchings

Rep. B. Last

Rep. M. Noel


MOTION:     Rep. McCay moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Coleman adjourned the meeting at 9:27 a.m.



Rep. Val L. Peterson