Tuesday, February 28, 2017 • 8:00 a.m. • 450 State Capitol
Members Present: Rep. Mike Schultz, Chair Rep. Kay J. Christofferson, Vice Chair Rep. Walt Brooks Rep. Justin L. Fawson Rep. Lynn N. Hemingway Rep. Michael S. Kennedy Rep. Karen Kwan Rep. Val K. Potter Rep. Robert M. Spendlove |
Rep. John R. Westwood Members Absent: Rep. John Knotwell Rep. Jefferson Moss Staff Present: Mr. Alex R. Janak, Policy Analyst Ms. Tonya Hadley, Committee Secretary |
Note: A list of others present, a copy of related materials, and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at le.utah.gov.
Chair Schultz assumed the chair and called the meeting to order at 8:04 a.m.
MOTION: Rep. Fawson moved to approve the minutes of the February 24, 2017 meeting.
The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-3.
Yeas: |
Nays: |
Abs: |
Rep. W. Brooks Rep. K. Christofferson Rep. J. Fawson Rep. L. Hemingway Rep. M. Kennedy Rep. V. Potter Rep. M. Schultz Rep. R. Spendlove Rep. J. Westwood |
Rep. J. Knotwell Rep. K. Kwan Rep. J. Moss |
1. H.B. 410 Motor Vehicle Code Amendments (Froerer, G.)
Rep. Gage Froerer presented the bill with the assistance of Mr. Dave Moss, Physical Therapist and motorcyclist.
Ms. Rolayne Faircroft, AAA, spoke to the bill.
Major Mark Zesiger, Assistant Superintendent, Utah Highway Patrol, spoke to the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Fawson moved to pass H.B. 410 out favorably.
The motion passed with a vote of 7-2-3.
Yeas: |
Nays: |
Abs: |
Rep. W. Brooks Rep. K. Christofferson Rep. J. Fawson Rep. M. Kennedy Rep. K. Kwan Rep. V. Potter Rep. J. Westwood |
Rep. L. Hemingway Rep. M. Schultz |
Rep. J. Knotwell Rep. J. Moss Rep. R. Spendlove |
2. H.B. 405 Hydrogen Fuel Production Incentives (Sagers, D.)
Rep. Douglas V. Sagers presented the bill with the assistance of Mr. Paul Rogers, lobbyist, Nikola Motor.
MOTION: Rep. Westwood moved to pass H.B. 405 out favorably.
The motion passed with a vote of 8-2-2.
Yeas: |
Nays: |
Abs: |
Rep. W. Brooks Rep. J. Fawson Rep. L. Hemingway Rep. K. Kwan Rep. V. Potter Rep. M. Schultz Rep. R. Spendlove Rep. J. Westwood |
Rep. K. Christofferson Rep. M. Kennedy |
Rep. J. Knotwell Rep. J. Moss |
3. 3rd Sub. S.B. 111 Unmanned Aircraft Amendments (Harper, W.)
Sen. Wayne A. Harper presented the bill.
Mr. Sterling Brown, Utah Farm Bureau Federation, spoke in favor of the bill.
Mr. Brandon Smith, Utah League of Cities and Towns, spoke in favor of the bill.
Mr. Matt Sibul, Utah Transit Authority, spoke in favor of the bill.
Mr. Jeremiah Wright, Utah UAS Testing Center, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Hemingway moved to pass 3rd Substitute S.B. 111 out favorably.
The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.
Yeas: |
Nays: |
Abs: |
Rep. W. Brooks Rep. K. Christofferson Rep. J. Fawson Rep. L. Hemingway Rep. M. Kennedy Rep. K. Kwan Rep. V. Potter Rep. M. Schultz Rep. R. Spendlove Rep. J. Westwood |
Rep. J. Knotwell Rep. J. Moss |
MOTION: Rep. Hemingway moved to adjourn.
The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.
Yeas: |
Nays: |
Abs: |
Rep. W. Brooks Rep. K. Christofferson Rep. J. Fawson Rep. L. Hemingway Rep. M. Kennedy Rep. K. Kwan Rep. V. Potter Rep. M. Schultz Rep. R. Spendlove Rep. J. Westwood |
Rep. J. Knotwell Rep. J. Moss |
Chair Schultz adjourned the meeting at 9:22 a.m.
Rep. Mike Schultz, Chair