Wednesday, May 17, 2017 • 1:15 p.m. • Room 210 Senate Building



1.    Committee Opening Business


·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the November 16, 2016 meeting

·         Introductions

·         Opening comments from committee chairs, Sen. Buxton and Rep. Schultz



2.    “Utah – The Transportation and Economic Development Crossroads of the West.”

Utah is uniquely positioned as a hub of economic and transportation activity. The state’s confluence of transportation infrastructure such as highways, rail lines, and an international airport create a valuable opportunity to continue to not only grow Utah’s economy, but also serve as a regional and national facilitator for economic growth.


·         Utah Department of Transportation



3.    Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

HB 155 was passed during the 2017 General Session and was subsequently signed into law by the governor. The bill changes the legal blood alcohol level limit for a per se DUI violation from 0.08% to 0.05% in Utah. However, the new law does not go into effect until December 30, 2018. The Transportation Interim Committee has been asked to perform a comprehensive review of Utah’s DUI laws and recommend any potential legislative changes.


·         Overview of DUI laws in Utah and other states – Committee Staff, OLRGC

·         Presentation and question and answer session – Members of the Utah Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council DUI Committee



4.    Committee Concluding Business – Adjourn


·         Future meetings and topics

·         Adjourn