Tuesday, May 16, 2017 • 1:00 p.m. • Room 210 - State Senate Building




1.    Committee Opening Business


·         Call to order

·         Introductions

·         Overview of 2017 S.B. 174

·         Overview of duties and processes



2.    Introductory Comments


·         Rep. Mike Schultz

·         Sen. Wayne Harper



3.    Historical Review of Transportation Governance and Funding in Utah

The task force will receive presentations from various transportation-related state and local agencies. These will provide the task force with a historical perspective of how transportation systems in Utah have evolved to where they are today.


·         Utah Department of Transportation

·         Utah Transit Authority

·         Salt Lake City Department of Airports

·         Wasatch Front Regional Council

·         Mountainland Association of Governments

·         Utah Department of Transportation presents: “Utah, the Transportation and Economic Development Crossroads of the West”



4.    Task Force Goals and Objectives

The task force co-chairs will present a draft list of goals and objectives for the task force and hear feedback from task force members.


·         Sen. Wayne Harper

·         Rep. Mike Schultz



5.    Committee Concluding Business – Adjourn


·         Requests for future presentations

·         Discussion of potential task force subgroups

·         Future meeting schedules/agendas

·         Adjourn