Friday, August 18, 2017 • 1:00 p.m. • Room 450 State Capitol

1. Committee Business

Call to order

Approval of the minutes of the July 13, 2017, meeting

2. Review of Gubernatorial Appointment of John A. (Jack) Lytle to serve on the Permanent Community Impact Board

The governor has appointed Mr. John A. (Jack) Lytle to serve on the Permanent Community Impact Board as a locally elected official who resides in Daggett County. The committee will hear from Mr. Lytle on his qualifications, may receive public comment, and will consider whether to recommend his confirmation to the full Senate.

Mr. John A. (Jack) Lytle

Committee discussion/action

3. Review of Gubernatorial Appointment of Ronald M. Winterton to serve on the Permanent Community Impact Board

The governor has appointed Mr. Ronald M. Winterton to serve on the Permanent Community Impact Board as a locally elected official from Duchesne County, one of two counties that produced the most mineral lease money during the previous four-year period. The committee will hear from Mr. Winterton on his qualifications, may receive public comment, and will consider whether to recommend his confirmation to the full Senate.

Mr. Ronald M. Winterton

Committee discussion/action

4. Review of Gubernatorial Appointment of Julie C. Valois to serve on the Employability to Careers Program Board

The governor has appointed Ms. Julie C. Valois to the Employability to Careers Program Board. The committee will hear from Ms. Valois on her qualifications, may receive public comment, and will consider whether to recommend her confirmation to the full Senate.

Ms. Julie C. Valois

Committee discussion/action

5. Other Items/Adjourn