The meeting time has been changed, as follows:

Wednesday, September 20, 2017 8:00 a.m. • Room 445 State Capitol



1.    Committee Business


·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the August 23, 2017 and September 13, 2017 meetings

·         Other items of business


2.    State Board of Education Educator Licensure Task Force

The Utah State Board of Education has created a task force to study issues related to educator licensure and make recommendations. The committee will hear about the results of the task force.


·         Representatives, Utah State Board of Education

·         Committee discussion/action


3.    Recodification of the Public Education Code

The committee will discuss the draft language for the education code recodification.


·         Committee staff

·         Committee discussion/action


4.    Assessment and Accountability Report

Utah Code Section 53A-1-1113.5, enacted in S.B. 220, 2017 General Session, requires the Utah State Board of Education to report on the performance thresholds and criteria for assigning a school an overall rating and to provide a sample report card for a school.


·         Representatives, Utah State Board of Education

·         Committee discussion/action


5.    Statewide Goals and Outcome Metrics for Education, Preschool through Advanced Degrees and Careers (P-20)

The committee will hear about efforts underway to create goals and outcome metrics for education for preschool through advanced degrees and careers (referred to as P-20).


·         Committee discussion/action


6.    Other Items/Adjourn