Health and Human Services Interim Committee

Utah Legislature

Revised 09/18/17


Wednesday, September 20, 2017 • 8:00 a.m. • Room 30 House Building




   Time Frame


8:00          1.      Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the August 23, 2017, meeting

8:05          2.      Medicaid – Family Planning

As follow-up to its June 21 meeting, where the committee reviewed the scope of family planning services already available through the Utah Medicaid program, options for expanding eligibility or covered services, and the impacts of expanding eligibility or covered services, the committee will consider draft legislation.

8:25          3.      Mental Health

At its June 21 meeting, the committee reviewed resources available through the public mental health system and the link between mental illness and homelessness. At this meeting, the committee will consider the potential impacts of the federal 21st Century Cures Act. The committee will also be briefed on the delivery of behavioral healthcare services as part of Operation Rio Grande.

9:10          4.      Skilled Nursing Facilities – Licensure

During the 2017 Annual General Session, the Legislature passed H.B. 113, Nursing Care Facility Amendments, which requires the Department of Health to consider the quality of care provided by existing nursing care facilities when determining whether to authorize a facility to offer additional Medicaid beds. H.B. 113 also removed statutory provisions governing the authorization of Medicaid beds from the Legislative Oversight and Sunset Act. The committee will review state policies governing the construction and funding of skilled nursing facilities.

9:35          5.      Step Therapy

During the 2017 Annual General Session, the Legislature considered, but did not pass, H.B. 266, Pharmaceutical Step Therapy. The committee will consider issues related to H.B. 266.

9:55          6.      Electronic Death Entry Network (EDEN)

The committee will be briefed on an online system that expedites the process for recording a death certificate prior to the transport or disposition of a person’s remains.

10:15         7.      Adjourn