Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Interim Committee

Utah Legislature


Wednesday, November 14, 2018 • 1:15 p.m. • Room 25 House Building




1.     Committee Business


·        Call to order

·        Approval of the meeting minutes of October 17, 2018



2.     Draft Legislation “Public Utilities Interim Committee Reports”

A committee bill file was opened in May of this year to modify statutory reporting requirements to the committee. The committee will consider draft legislation that repeals statutory requirements for certain reports to the committee and consolidates the statutory requirements for other reports.


·        Sen. Daniel Hemmert

·        Committee discussion/action



3.     Draft Legislation “Energy Development and Tax Incentives Amendments”

A committee bill file was opened in August of this year to address recommendations from #2017-14, A Performance Audit of State Energy Incentives, by the Office of the Legislative Auditor General. The committee will consider draft legislation that repeals an obsolete energy-incentivizing program, requires all agencies that certify energy-incentivizing tax credits to submit evidence of those certifications to the Utah State Tax Commission (USTC), and ensures that all tax credits are cross-referenced in Utah Code Title 59, Revenue and Taxation, so that the USTC may track them.


·        Rep. Stephen G. Handy

·        Public comment

·        Committee discussion/action



4.     Update on Committee Bill File “Renewable Energy Source Amendments”

A committee bill file was opened in August to work with stakeholders and interested parties to support customer choice in pursuing community goals for 100% net renewable energy generation while guarding against unintended consequences to non-participants in Salt Lake City, Park City, and Summit County. At this time, stakeholder input is still being gathered, and draft legislation will not be considered as a committee bill file for the 2019 General Session.


·        Rep. Stephen G. Handy








5.     Draft Legislation “2019 House Concurrent Resolution Supporting Wind, Solar, and Geothermal Energy”

The committee will consider recommending as a committee file for the 2019 General Session a refiled resolution from the 2018 General Session that encourages the development of wind, solar, and geothermal energy resources in rural areas of the state.


·        Rep. Stephen G. Handy

·        Public comment

·        Committee discussion/action



6.     Public Utility Regulatory Restricted Account

The committee will discuss two approaches pertaining to Utah Code Section 54-5-1.5, Public Utility Regulatory Restricted Account, that modify how regulatory entities are able to collect funds that cover administrative costs of regulating public utilities.


·        Mr. Chris Parker, Director, Division of Public Utilities, Utah Department of Commerce

·        Public comment

·        Committee discussion/action



7.     Utah Communications Authority Procurement Update

The committee will hear an update from representatives of the Utah Communications Authority (UCA) regarding UCA’s incorporation into the Utah Procurement Code with independent procurement authority (related legislation: 2018 Second Special Session H.B. 2004, “Utah Communications Authority – Procurement”).


·        Rep. Stephen G. Handy

·        Mr. David A. Edmunds, Executive Director, Utah Communications Authority

·        Mr. Quinton Stephens, General Counsel/Deputy Director, Utah Communications Authority



8.     Energy Producer States’ Agreement Report

In accordance with Utah Code Subsection 36-12-20(3)(b), the committee will hear a report from an appointed member of the Energy Producer States’ Coalition on the Energy Producer States’ Agreement activities throughout the past year.


·        Rep. Stephen G. Handy



9.     Other Items/Adjourn