Tuesday, November 13, 2018 • 1:00 p.m. • Room 210 Senate Building


1.     Task Force Business

·        Call to order

·        Approval of the August 16, 2018 minutes


2.     Local Option Sales Tax

The task force will discuss options for simplifying local option sales taxes for transportation.

·        Task Force Staff

·        Sen. Wayne A. Harper

·        Rep. Kay Christofferson

·        Task Force discussion/action


3.     Discussion of S.B. 136 (2018 General Session)

2018 General Session S.B. 136, “Transportation Governance Amendments,” made several changes to transportation policies and programs including, changing the governance structure of the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), providing new funding opportunities for transit, creating additional responsibilities for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), and requiring UDOT to work to create a Road User Charge program. The task force will discuss potential legislative changes to address issues that have arisen in the implementation of S.B. 136.

·        Task Force Staff

·        Sen. Wayne A. Harper

·        Task Force discussion/action


4.     Location Data Collection

The task force will hear from the Utah Department of Transportation regarding proposed legislative changes addressing motor vehicle location data collection.

·        Ms. Linda Hull, Policy and Legislative Services Director, Utah Department of Transportation

·        Task Force discussion/action


5.     Public Private Partnerships for Transit

The task force will discuss opportunities for and issues related to Public Private Partnerships in transit.

·        Sen. Jacob L. Anderegg

·        Task Force discussion/action


6.     Human Services Transportation Coordination

The task force will discuss plans to coordinate human services transportation including public transportation for seniors or those with disabilities.

·        Mr. Ryan Taylor, Coordinated Mobility Manager, Utah Transit Authority

·        Task Force discussion/action


7.     Sponsorship Follow-up

The task force will discuss the potential for sponsorship agreements to provide funding for transportation.

·        Ms. Linda Hull, Policy and Legislative Services Director, Utah Department of Transportation

·        Task Force discussion/action


8.     Other Items

·        Adjourn