Wednesday, January 15, 2020 | 9:00 AM | 445 State Capitol

1.    Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the November 22, 2019, meeting


2.    Agency Response to 2019 General Legislation Requiring Administrative Rulemaking

The committee chairs requested that staff provide a brief update regarding state agency compliance with administrative rulemaking requirements contained in legislation passed in the 2019 legislative general session.

·         Committee staff

·         Committee discussion/action


3.    Draft Legislation, “Reauthorization of Administrative Rules”

The draft bill annually authorizes all administrative rules of state agencies, except for any rules listed specifically in the bill.

·         Committee discussion/action


4.    R873-22M-34 Rule for Denial of Personalized Plate Requests Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 41-1a-104 and 41-1a-411

The committee will discuss how decisions are made to grant or deny applications for personalized license plates and whether the wording of the administrative rule and how it is being interpreted are within the bounds of the statutory authority granted to the Motor Vehicle Division.

·         Monte Roberts, Director, Division of Motor Vehicles

·         Scott Smith, Executive Director, State Tax Commission

·         Committee discussion/action


5.    Other Items/Adjourn