Monday, October 19, 2020 | 5:00 PM | 30 House Building

1.    Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Introduction of members

·         Approval of the minutes of the December 10, 2019, meeting

·         Review of live public comment protocols


2.    Draft legislation: 2021FL088, “Place Names Amendments”

The committee will consider draft legislation that authorizes the Utah Division of Indian Affairs to facilitate the process to change place names related to Native Americans and requires reporting to the committee.

·         Senator Jani Iwamoto

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion and potential action


3.    Draft Legislation: 2021FL0617, “Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls Task Force”

The committee will consider draft legislation that reinstates the task force until 2023 and provides for an immediate effective date.

·         Representative Angela Romero

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion and potential action


4.    Native American Education Report and Issues

Utah Code Subsection 53F-5-604(3) requires that the committee “shall annually schedule at least one meeting at which education is discussed with selected stakeholders.” Representatives of the Utah State Board of Education will address education issues affecting Native American students from a state perspective. The committee will also hear from San Juan School District and review written testimony from Eagle View Elementary School in Roosevelt, Utah, regarding Native American students that each entity serves.

·         Dr. Harold Foster, State Board of Education

·         Ron Nielsen, Superintendent, San Juan School District

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion and potential action




5.    American Indian-Alaska Native Health Liaison

The Committee will hear from the American Indian-Alaska Native Health Liaison the report required under Utah Code Subsection 26-7-2.5(4).


·         Melissa Zito, Director, Office of AI/AN Health Affairs, Utah Department of Health, Executive Director’s Office

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion and potential action


6.    Other Items/Adjourn