Tuesday, February 2, 2021 | 8:00 AM | 110 Senate Building







1.      8:00 a.m.   Approve Minutes – January 29, 2021


2.      8:05 a.m.   Dixie State University Presentation


3.      8:35 a.m.   Southern Utah University Presentation


4.      9:05 a.m.   Weber State University Presentation


5.      9:35 a.m.   Utah Valley University


6.      10:05 a.m. Requests for Appropriation


a.      Representative Christine Watkins Dustless Technologies Advanced Manufacturing Program

b.      Senator David Hinkins, USU Eastern Aviation Mechanics Program

c.       Representative Michael Schultz, College Access Advisors

d.      Senator David G. Buxton, Enhanced Articulation Partnership Pilot for Dual Enrollment

e.      Senator Derrin Owens, Concurrent Enrollment Obligation

f.        Senator Derrin Owens, University of Utah School of Dentistry - Rural Recruitment

g.      Senator Michael McKell, UVU Utah Lake Project

h.      Senator Michael McKell, Expansion of Research Studying the Brain Effects of Cannabinoids


7.      10:45 a.m. Other Business


8.      10:50 a.m. Adjourn