Wednesday, June 16, 2021 | 8:30 AM | 2110 State Office Building

1.    Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the May 18, 2021, meeting


2.    Open and Public Meetings Act

The committee will study potential amendments to the Open and Public Meetings Act, including electronic meeting requirements.


·         Alan Houston, Associate General Counsel, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion and potential action


3.    Election Methodologies 

The committee will continue to study election methods, specifically ranked-choice voting and approval voting.


·         Kory Holdaway, Utah Ranked Choice Voting

·         Ammon Gruwell, Utah Center for Electoral Reform

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion and action


4.    Precincts

The committee will study the use and size of precincts.


·         Ricky Hatch, County Clerk/Auditor, Weber County

·         Utah Republican Party

·         Utah Democratic Party

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion and action




5.    Plain Language Ballots

The committee will study the readability of ballots.


·         Ricky Hatch, County Clerk/Auditor, Weber County

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion and action


6.    Committee Bill File Requests

The committee will discuss bile file requests that have been opened on behalf of the committee.


·         Sen. Daniel Thatcher

·         Justin Lee, Director of Elections, Office of the Lieutenant Governor

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion and action


7.    Executive Branch Pay Equity Study

The committee will discuss the Executive Branch Pay Equity Study that was recently conducted by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget.


·         Sophia DiCaro, Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget

·         Nate Talley, Deputy Director, Chief Economist, Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget

·         John Barrand, Executive Director, Department of Human Resource Management

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion and action


8.    Adjourn