1. 3:00 p.m. Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
2. 3:05 p.m. Federal/Non-federal Grants and CARES
3. 3:15
p.m. Fiscal Health Check-up:
a. Debt Update
b. Budget of the
State of Utah (BOTSU)
c. Budget Slideshow
4. 3:35
p.m. Economic Update
5. 3:50
p.m. Water Project Prioritization
under American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
6. 4:05
p.m. Mental Health Facility at
University of Utah
7. 4:15
p.m. Performance Reporting Update
8. 4:30
p.m. Wildland Fire Cost Projections
9. 4:45
p.m. Other Post-employment Benefits
(OPEB) Actuarial Update
10. 4:55
p.m. Utah Homelessness Council Report
11. 5:00
p.m. Other Business/Adjourn