Wednesday, September 15, 2021 | 8:30 AM | 445 State Capitol

1.    Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Approve minutes from the June 16, 2021 meeting


2.    Legislative Audit: Utah State Board of Education Internal Governance

The committee will hear a report on the audit report #2021-04 – A Performance Audit of the Utah State Board of Education’s Internal Governance – from staff of the Office of the Legislative Auditor General.

·         Office of the Legislative Auditor General staff

·         Agency response

·         Committee discussion and action


3.    Return to School Update

The committee will receive an update on how institutions of higher education and the public education system are addressing ongoing issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic as students return to school in the 2021-2022 school year.

Public education system officials will also provide a brief update and status report on the U.S. Department of Education’s civil rights investigation into whether Utah’s statutes on face covering requirements in public schools are preventing local education agencies from meeting the needs of students with disabilities in violation of federal law. (The investigation notice is available in the meeting materials on the committee’s website.) State law prohibits the state board of education, the state superintendent, local education agencies, and schools from requiring face coverings in public schools. Instead, a local health department may issue an order requiring face coverings in public schools; the local governing body may overturn the local health department’s order.

·         Committee staff

·         Utah System of Higher Education officials

·         Utah State Board of Education officials

·         Committee discussion and action



4.    Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff

Utah State Board of Education staff will provide and update on (1) the status of the Grants for School-based Mental Health Supports program found in Utah Code § 53F-5-209 and (2) the impact of the pandemic on student and teacher mental health.

·         Utah State Board of Education officials

·         School district officials

·         Committee discussion and action


5.    Higher Education Performance Funding

The Legislature will receive an update on the status of S.B. 193 Higher Education Performance Funding from the 2021 General Session.

·         Utah System of Higher Education officials

·         Committee discussion and action


6.    Adjourn