Wednesday, August 17, 2022 | 8:30 AM | 110 Senate Building

1.    Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the June 15, 2022, meeting

·         Statutorily required reports received

·         Other committee business


2.      Supreme Court Ruling – West Virginia vs. Environmental Protection Agency

The committee will receive a summary from committee staff regarding the recent Supreme Court ruling on West Virginia vs. Environmental Protection Agency.

·         Committee staff

·         Committee discussion/action


3.    Wildlife Transplant

The committee will discuss the transplant of wildlife in Utah.

·         Rep. Scott Chew

·         Committee discussion/action


4.    Sunset Review – Wildlife Nominating Committee and Regional Advisory Councils

The committee will consider draft legislation to extend the sunset dates for the Wildlife Nominating Committee and the regional advisory councils.

·         Committee staff

·         J Shirley, Director, Division of Wildlife Resources

·         Committee discussion/action


5.    Wildfire Risks and Mitigation

The committee will discuss the current risk and efforts to mitigate wildfires in Utah, including possible actions to mitigate wildfires in the wildland urban interface.

·         Jamie Barnes, State Forester, Director, Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands

·         Committee discussion/action


6.    Utah Lake Restoration Report

The committee will receive a status report regarding the Utah Lake restoration project.

·         Committee staff

·         Jamie Barnes, Director, Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands

·         Committee discussion/action




7.    Draft Legislation – Water Related Liability Amendments

The committee will consider draft legislation addressing liability related to water.

·         Rep. Carl Albrecht

·         Committee discussion/action


8.    Wildlife Code Recodification Update

The committee will receive a status report regarding the possible recodification of the Title 23, Wildlife Resources Code of Utah.

·         Rep. Casey Snider

·         Committee staff

·         Committee discussion/action


9.    Adjourn