



wpgfcee.gif wpgfcfe.gif wpgfd0f.gif wpgfd10.gif wpgfd21.gif wpgfd22.gif Wednesday, October 19, 2022 | 1:15 p.m. | State Capitol Room 445

Members of the public may p articipate remotely in the meeting by visiting the committee’s webpage to access the live streaming options: https://le.utah.gov/committee/committee.jsp?year=2022&com=INTEDU

1. Committee Business

Call to order

Approval of the minutes of the September 21, 2022, meeting

2. Public Education: Local School Boards

The committee will hear a presentation about the possibility of creating an ethics commission for local school boards. The discussion will notaddress local school boards’ decisions about curricular or library materials.

James Evans, Former Utah State Senator

Jeanetta Williams, NAACP

Nichole Mason, Utah Parents United

Lexi Cunningham, Utah School Boards Association and Utah School Superintendents Association

Linda Hanks, Juab School District Board of Education and Utah School Boards Association President

Committee discussion

3. Public Education: Utah State Board of Education Legislative Priorities

The Utah State Board of Education will present their legislative priorities for the 2023 General Session.

Utah State Board of Education representatives

Committee discussion

4. Public Education: Update on H.B. 374, Sensitive Materials in Schools (2022 General Session)

H.B. 374 Sensitive Materials in Schools (2022 General Session) prohibits sensitive materials – as defined in statute – in public school settings. Statute requires the Utah State Board of Education (state board), in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, to provide guidance and training to local education agencies (LEAs) on identifying sensitive materials.

The state board will report on implementation of , and compliance with, requirements established in the bill. Per Utah Code 53G-10-103, this report will include: (1) an update on rules the state board has made and policies the state board and LEAs have made to comply with statutory requirements established in the bill,

• information about complaints the state board or LEAs have received on potential violations of rules, policies, or statutory requirements, and (3) actions taken in response to these complaints .

Committee staff

Utah State Board of Education representatives

Representatives from: Alpine School District, Davis District, Park City School District

Representative Ken Ivory

Committee discussion

Public comment



EDUCATION INTERIM COMMITTEE AGENDA                                                      OCTOBER 19, 2022

5. Draft Legislation: “Superintendent Annual Report Amendments”

On September 21, 2022, the committee opened a bill file to require the Superintendent’s Annual Report to include information about teacher turnover rates and teachers’ reasons for leaving , as recommended in audit #2021-04, A Performance Audit of the Utah State Board of Education’ s Internal Governance. Office of the Legislative Auditor General staff presented this audit during the May 2021 interim committee meeting.

Committee staff

Public comment

Committee discussion and action

6. Draft Legislation: “Reading Software Amendments”

S.B. 127 (2022 General Session) directs the Utah State Board of Education to establish strategies and administer programs to improve early literacy outcomes for students in kindergarten through grade 3. This bill draft clarifies that a statistical requirement enacted in S.B. 127 does not apply to reading software.

Committee staff

Public comment

Committee discussion and action

7. Adjourn