Monday, January 23, 2023 | 8:00 AM | 30 House Building






Note: The chairs have asked that requestors of funding provide a detailed and itemized budget indicating how they would spend the money, within the specified timeframe, how they would measure success, the number of clients currently served, and the number of clients who are eligible but not served. Requestors without this information will be asked to return once they provide it. All appropriations must be made to state agencies. State agencies must follow state procurement laws which require competitive bids, requests for proposal, or sole source determination. 


1.      8:00          Call to Order

2.      8:05          Approval of Minutes

3.      8:05          Public Input on Topics on Today's Agenda 

Note: All members of the public wishing to speak to the committee, please click on and complete the online form by 7 a.m. of the day of the meeting. All public testimony is subject to the discretion of the chairs.

4.      8:10          Report on Crisis Receiving Center Funding and Expenditures

5.      8:25          Requests for Appropriation - Health and Human Services (agency only)

a.      Staff Discussion of Alternative Funding Sources

b.      Medicaid Consensus

c.       Increase Intermediate Care Facility Medicaid Payment Rates

d.      Add Medicaid Coverage of Community Health Workers

e.      Family Planning Services in Medicaid Increase Income Threshold

f.        Extend Medicaid Postpartum Coverage

g.      Provide Medicaid Annual Wellcare Visits

h.      Medically Complex Children's Waiver

i.        Increase Air Ambulance Medicaid Rate

6.      9:35          Salt Lake Medical Clinic Transition Plan

7.      9:45          Medicaid Spending Statewide - Issue Brief

8.      9:55          Review of Medicaid Expansion Fund Budget

a.      Viability of the Medicaid Expansion Fund

9.      10:05        Review of Department of Health and Human Services' Health Care Administration Base Budget

a.      Clients Served vs Clients Eligible

b.      Budget Reduction Options

c.       Caseload Trends That May be of Interest

d.      Performance Measure Trends That May be of Interest

e.      Federal Funds and Intergovernmental Transfers - Health and Health and Human Services - Issue Brief

f.        Motions for Subcommittee Consideration (blue sheet) - Health Care Administration and Associated Funds, All CH Motions

10. 10:30        Report on Previous Legislative Intent Language

11. 10:35        Other Business

12. 10:50        Written Reports

a.      Report on Compliance and Savings Psychotropic Drug Preferred Drug List              


For upcoming agenda topics, see Calendar for Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee Meetings at


For key documents, see Related Links at