Wednesday, September 13, 2023 | 3:00 PM | 445 State Capitol

Members of the public may participate remotely in the meeting by visiting the committee’s webpage to access the live streaming options:

The Council was created by legislation during the 2021 General Session (H.B. 288; Utah Code Title 63C, Chapter 23) to:

  Provide action-oriented guidance to legislative and other state leaders on how to meet the behavioral health needs, including mental health and substance use issues, facing youth and families within the state and ensure close collaboration and alignment with existing statewide behavioral health efforts and groups;


  Generate a common framework for preventing and addressing mild, moderate, and serious behavioral health concerns that youth within the state face;


  Clarify roles among LEAs, local mental health authorities, local substance abuse authorities, and other behavioral health partners regarding the practical and legal obligations of screening, assessment, and the provision of care;


  Facilitate joint development of state and local plans among LEAs, local mental health authorities, local substance abuse authorities, and other behavioral health partners that:


o   Describe how the entities will collaborate to meet the behavioral health needs of youth within the state; and


o   Provide clarity and consistency in the standardization, collection, analysis, and application of behavioral health-related data to drive improvement.



1.    Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the August 23, 2023, meeting


2.    Intermountain Health School-based telehealth clinics

Representatives from Intermountain Health and their partner school district will present on their school-based telehealth clinics which are a part of their community clinic program.


·         Shelly Cooper, Program Development Manager of School-Based Telehealth

·         Amy Back, Executive Director of Pediatric Telehealth

·         Council Discussion


3.    Utah State Board of Education

Safe and Healthy Schools is a framework with nine conditions that schools may follow to create a comprehensive safe and healthy school policies, plans, protocols, and partnerships.

·         Shauntelle Cota, Safe and Healthy Schools Coordinator

·         Council Discussion


4.    Utah School Mental Health Collaborative

The USMH is a state-wide project that provides technical assistance and training to develop effective mental health systems within a schools’ existing multi-tiered system of support.


·         Dr. Aaron Fischer, Program Co-Director

·         Dr. Karen Manotas, Program Co-Director

·         Council Discussion


5.    Other Items/Adjourn