Monday, September 18, 2023 | 8:45 AM | Holland Building, Classroom 477, Utah Tech University

1.    Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the August 9, 2023, meeting

·         Committee bill files opened since the August interim meeting

·         Annual report received – Community Reinvestment Agency Database

·         Update from the Open and Public Meetings Act workgroup


2.    Elected Officials Disclosure Consistency

The committee will receive an update on research regarding the common and unique requirements related to conflict of interest disclosure and campaign finance for the state and its political subdivisions.

·         Representative Paul Cutler

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action


3.    Political Subdivision Authorities

The committee will discuss the authorization, revenue sources, and bonding ability of the MIDA, Point of the Mountain State Lands Authority, and the Utah Inland Port Authority.

·         Committee Staff

·         Representatives of the Point of the Mountain State Lands Authority

·         Representatives of the Utah Inland Port Authority

·         Representatives of the Military Installation Development Authority

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action


4.    Other Items/Adjourn