Wednesday, October 11, 2023 | 1:15 PM | 120 Senate Building

1.    Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the September 18, 2023, meeting


2.    Sunset Review: Title 63C, Chapter 29, Domestic Violence Data Task Force

During the 2023 General Session, H.B. 43, “Domestic Violence Modifications,” created the Domestic Violence Task Force “to coordinate and make recommendations to the Legislature regarding the collection of domestic violence data in the state.” The task force is scheduled for repeal on December 31, 2024.

·         Sarah Flanigan, Policy Analyst, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

·         Captain Tanner Jensen, Director of the Statewide Information and Analysis Center, Department of Public Safety

·         Committee discussion


3.    Draft Legislation: School Threat Penalty Amendments (Rep. Wilcox)

This draft legislation amends the penalties for individuals who make a hoax threat against a school, including students. The School Security Task Force reviewed this draft legislation in September.

·         Chair Wilcox

·         Shad Larson, Associate General Counsel, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

·         Captain Tanner Jensen, Director of the Statewide Information and Analysis Center, Department of Public Safety

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion/action


4.    Utah Communications Authority Update

The committee will receive a presentation on the responsibilities of the authority and current projects.


·         Tina Mathieu, Executive Director, Utah Communications Authority

·         Committee discussion/action


5.    Draft Legislation: Criminal Code Recodification and Cross References

This committee bill file recodifies Title 76, Chapter 8, Offenses Against the Administration of Government. The Criminal Code Evaluation Task Force voted unanimously to recommend this draft legislation to the committee.

·         Jackie Rogers, Associate General Counsel, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

·         Rep. Gwynn, Chair, Criminal Code Evaluation Task Force

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion/action


6.    Draft Legislation: Offender Registry Amendments

In June, the committee voted to open a bill file to address the Sex and Kidnap Offender Registry and the Child Abuse Offender Registry as well as the registration requirement for the conviction of enticing a minor.

·         Shad Larson, Associate General Counsel, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion/action


7.    Draft Legislation: Correctional Facility Amendments (Rep. Burton)

This draft legislation makes it a crime to transport, provide, sell, or possess a communication device at a correctional facility in violation of facility policy.


·         Rep. Burton

·         Public comment

·         Committee discussion/action


8.    Other Items/Adjourn