Wednesday, November 15, 2023 | 1:15 PM | 110 Senate Building

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1.    Committee Business

·         Approval of the minutes of the October 11, 2023, meeting

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2.    Draft Legislation: Water Shareholder Amendments

The committee will consider draft legislation that addresses change applications by a shareholder in a water company. The committee requested the draft legislation in its September meeting.


·         Chair Sandall

·         Committee discussion/action

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3.    Draft Legislation: Industrial Hemp Amendments

The committee will consider draft legislation that addresses industrial hemp. The committee requested the draft legislation in its August meeting.


·         Chair Brooks

·         Committee discussion/action

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4.    Draft Legislation: Agricultural Tourism Amendments

The committee will consider draft legislation that addresses agritourism activities.


·         Rep. Albrecht

·         Craig Buttars, Commissioner, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food

·         Terry Camp, Vice President of Public Policy, Utah Farm Bureau Federation

·         Committee discussion/action

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5.     Mining Permitting Processes

The committee opened a bill file in its June meeting to address procedural changes to Title 40, Mining and Mines, related to the permitting process. The committee will receive an update on the committee bill file.


·         Rep. Lund

·         Committee discussion




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6.    A Performance Audit of Utah’s Water Management

The committee will receive and review a report from the Office of the Legislative Auditor General on its audit of Utah’s water management.


·         Darin Underwood, Deputy Auditor General, Office of the Legislative Auditor General

·         Madison Hoover, Performance Audit Supervisor, Office of the Legislative Auditor General

·         Committee discussion

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7.    Lithium Development

The committee will hear about a lithium development project near Green River and Moab and discuss the challenges and policies that impact such developments.


·         Bruce Richardson, CEO, Anson Resources/A1 Lithium/Blackstone Minerals

·         Committee discussion

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8.    Utah Seismic Safety Commission

The committee will receive recommendations for improving Utah’s seismic resilience from the Utah Seismic Safety Commission.


·         Robert Grow, Chair, Utah Seismic Safety Commission

·         Ari Bruening, President and CEO, Envision Utah

·         Committee discussion

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9.    GSL Integrated Water Assessment

The committee will receive a report on the progress and findings of the Great Salt Lake integrated water assessment, including the impact of low impact development storm water permitting on the Great Salt Lake.


·         Committee staff

·         Candice Hasenyager, Director, Division of Water Resources

·         Committee discussion

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10. Cannabis Fees

The committee will discuss the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food’s cannabis fees.


·         Melanie Henderson, Director of Finance, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food

·         Committee discussion

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11. Other Items/Adjourn