Wednesday, November 15, 2023 | 8:30 AM | 110 Senate Building

1.    Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the October 11, 2023, meeting


2.    Draft Legislation: Technical Corrections to Two Committee Bills Previously Approved

The committee will consider taking action to reapprove two bills previously approved as committee bills.  Staff found some technical errors in the bills after the committee approved them as committee bills.  The two bills are: Tax Incentive Revisions and the Metro Township Modifications.

·         Committee Staff

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action


3.    Draft Legislation: Open and Public Meetings Act Amendments

The committee will consider draft legislation that was approved at the October Interim meeting, with proposed changes.

·         Representative James A. Dunnigan

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action


4.    General Aviation Long-term Leases

The committee will consider work being done to address long-term leases at municipally owned general aviation facilities.

·         Representative Katy Hall

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action


5.    Draft Legislation:  Conflict of Interest Disclosure Modifications

The committee will consider draft legislation that would address the posting of conflict of interest disclosure forms for elected officials of political subdivisions and appointed members of specific state land authorities.

·         Representative Paul A. Cutler

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action


6.    Draft Legislation:  Infrastructure Financing Districts

The committee will consider draft legislation that would authorize the creation of infrastructure districts to facilitate the delivery of infrastructure to specified areas.

·         Representative James A. Dunnigan

·         Committee Staff

·         Ty McCutcheon, Founder and Principal, Third Cadence

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action






7.    Municipal Transportation Utility and Other Fees

The committee will discuss work being done to address the ability of municipalities to assess transportation utility and other fees.

·         Representative Karen M. Peterson

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action


8.    Draft Legislation: Short-term Rental Amendments

The committee will consider draft legislation to address issues with short-term rental properties.

·         Representative Gay Lynn Bennion

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action


9.    Investors in the Housing Market

The committee will discuss increasing private investor involvement in the Utah housing market and options to address the issue.

·         Representative Gay Lynn Bennion

·         Jim Ngo, Private Citizen

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action


10. County Recorders Standards Board Report

The committee will hear from the County Recorder Standards Board about the work being done, recommendations for statutory changes, and a Business and Labor Interim Committee bill file to address the Board’s recommendations.

·         Mark Steinagel, Director, Division of Professional Licensing

·         Rashelle Hobbs, Salt Lake County Recorder

·         Public Comment

·         Committee Discussion/Action


11. Other Items/Adjourn