Tuesday, January 30, 2024 | 8:00 AM | 110 Senate Building







1.      8:00 AM       Call to Order and Recognition of Board Members


2.      8:05 AM       Approval of Minutes – January 24, 2023 and January 26, 2023


3.      8:10 AM       University of Utah


4.      9:00 AM       Utah State University


5.      9:50 AM       Impacts of Research from R1 Institutions


6.      10:10 AM    Requests for Appropriation

-                Student Workforce Readiness Initiative: Sen. Vickers

-                Statewide Energy Education & Workforce Initiative: Sen. Stevenson

-                Business and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Expansion: Rep. Watkins

-                USU Extension Growing Ventures: Sen. Escamilla

-                Infrastructure for the Center for Medical Cannabis Research: Rep. Dailey-Provost

-                2024 Presidential Debate: Sen. Grover

-                Utah Forest Restoration Institute: Rep. Snider


7.      10:50 AM    Other Business and Adjourn