1. 8:00 a.m. Call to Order & Approval of Minutes
2. 8:05 a.m.
Agency Fees
3. 8:10
a.m. RFA Future Home of SLC
Downtown Farmers Market Sen. Winterton
4. 8:15
a.m. RFA Climbing Paths via
ferrata Sen. Winterton
a.m. RFA UBTech Staff Request
Sen. Winterton
a.m. RFA Youth
Arts Access for Utahs Future Sen. Cullimore
a.m. RFA Talent Centered Job Search
AI Software Sen. Cullimore
a.m. RFA Holy Trinity Cathedral
Restoration and Seismic Update Sen. Cullimore
a.m. RFA Affordable
Housing Acquisition/Pre-Development Loan fund Sen. Fillmore
10. 8:45 a.m. RFA
Housing Choice Voucher Incentive Program Sen. Fillmore
11. 8:50
a.m. RFA Educational
Achievement and Workforce Development Study Sen. Fillmore
12. 8:55
a.m. RFA Eye Care 4 Kids Rep.
13. 9:00
a.m. RFA Taste Utah Lets Dine Out
Sen. McKell
14. 9:05
a.m. RFA Regional
Library & Education Center (Santaquin) Sen. McKell
15. 9:10
a.m. RFA Upward
Economic Mobility Program (UEMP) Sen. McKell
16. 9:15
a.m. RFA Manufacturing
Modernization Rep. Shallenberger
17. 9:20
a.m. RFA Provo Airport Elect
Infrastructure Rep. Shallenberger
18. 9:25
a.m. RFA Utah
Wasatch Legacy Climbing Film Project Rep. Shallenberger
19. 9:30
a.m. RFA Utah Tech Week Rep. Moss
20. 9:35
a.m. RFA Youth Social Media Health
and Safety Sen. Stratton
21. 9:40
a.m. RFA Land Acquisition for Harrington Arts Campus Rep. Hawkins
22. 9:45
a.m. RFA CenterPoint
Theater Capital Improvements Rep. Cutler
23. 9:50
a.m. RFA Childcare and Workforce
Pilot for Southeastern Utah Rep. Monson
24. 9:55
a.m. RFA Utah Archaeological Grant
Program Rep. Owens
25. 10:00
a.m. RFA Latin
America International Business Outreach and Hosting Contract
26. 10:05
a.m. RFA Utah Symphony Roadtrip 250
Sen. Wilson
27. 10:10
a.m. RFA Veteran
Rehabilitation and Wellness Rep. Ballard
28. 0:15 a.m. RFA
Economic Opportunity: Retail Convention Organization
Services Rep. Fiefia
29. 10:20
a.m. RFA 13th
Annual Utah Pacific Island Heritage Month Kick-Off Sen. Harper
30. 10:25
a.m. RFA Extended Educational and
Workforce Development Initiative Rep. Koford
31. 10:30
a.m. RFA Healthcare
and Housing: Medical Respite & End-of-Life Care for Homeless
32. 10:35
a.m. RFA Utah
Film Incubator Capital Request Sen. Weiler
33. 10:40
a.m. RFA Syracuse
Museum Foundation Rep. Lisonbee
34. 10:50 a.m. Adjourn