Tuesday, January 23, 2018 • 2:00 p.m. • 250 State Capitol

Members Present:
Sen. Lincoln Fillmore, Chair
Sen. Allen M. Christensen
Sen. Luz Escamilla
Sen. Peter C. Knudson
Sen. Kevin T. Van Tassell
Sen. Evan J. Vickers
Sen. Brian Zehnder

Members Absent:
Sen. Jim Dabakis

Staff Present:
Mr. Brent Palmer, Policy Analyst
Ms. Nancy Skidmore, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at

Chair Fillmore called the meeting to order at 2:08 pm.
MOTION: Sen. Van Tassell moved to approve the minutes of the March 6, 2017 meeting.The motion passed with a vote of 5 - 0 - 3 .
Yeas - 5Nays- 0Abs- 3
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. K. Van Tassell
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. B. Zehnder
Sen. A. Christensen
Sen. J. Dabakis
Sen. P. Knudson
1. S.B. 65 Child Neglect Amendments (Fillmore, L.)
Sen. Zehnder assumed the chair.
Sen. Fillmore explained the bill.
Mr. William Carlson, Deputy District Attorney, Salt Lake County, spoke in favor of the bill.
Mr. Connor Boyack, President, Libertas Institute, spoke in favor of the bill.
Ms. Diane Moore, Executive Director, Division of Child And Family Services, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Fillmore moved to pass S.B. 65 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 6 - 0 - 2 .
Yeas - 6Nays- 0Abs- 2
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. P. Knudson
Sen. K. Van Tassell
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. B. Zehnder
Sen. A. Christensen
Sen. J. Dabakis
2. S.C.R. 4 Concurrent Resolution on Deaths from Opioid-induced Postoperative Respiratory Depression (Van Tassell, K.)
Sen. Van Tassell explained the bill.
Mr. Marc Babitz, Deputy Director, Utah Department of Health, spoke in favor of the bill.
Ms. Yvonne Gardner, Mother, spoke in favor of the bill.
Dr. Michael Catten, ENT-otolaryngologist, spoke in favor of the bill.
Ms. Michelle McOmber, Cheif Exective Officer, Utah Medical Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Christensen moved to pass S.C.R. 4 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 7 - 0 - 1 .
Yeas - 7Nays- 0Abs- 1
Sen. A. Christensen
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. P. Knudson
Sen. K. Van Tassell
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. B. Zehnder
Sen. J. Dabakis
3. S.B. 85 Controlled Substance Disposal Amendments (Mayne, K.)
Sen. Mayne explained the bill.
Mr. Dirk Anjewierden, Executive Director, Utah Health Care Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
Ms. Michelle McComber, Utah Medical Association spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Escamilla moved to pass S.B. 85 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 6 - 0 - 2 .
Yeas - 6Nays- 0Abs- 2
Sen. A. Christensen
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. P. Knudson
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. B. Zehnder
Sen. J. Dabakis
Sen. K. Van Tassell
MOTION: Sen. Vickers moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 6 - 0 - 2 .
Yeas - 6Nays- 0Abs- 2
Sen. A. Christensen
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. P. Knudson
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. B. Zehnder
Sen. J. Dabakis
Sen. K. Van Tassell
Acting Chair Zehnder adjourned the meeting at 2:53 pm.
Sen. Lincoln Fillmore