Members Present: Sen. Curtis S. Bramble, Chair Sen. Gene Davis Sen. Daniel Hemmert Sen. Don L. Ipson Sen. Karen Mayne Sen. Todd Weiler |
Members Absent: Sen. Ralph Okerlund Sen. Jerry W. Stevenson Staff Present: Mr. Adam J. Sweet, Policy Analyst Ms. Karen Allred, Committee Secretary |
Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the
meeting can be found at
Chair Bramble called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m. |
MOTION: Sen. Ipson moved to approve the minutes of the January 30, 2018, meeting. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0-5. | |||
Yeas - 3 | Nays-0 | Abs-5 | |
Sen. C. Bramble Sen. D. Ipson Sen. K. Mayne | Sen. G. Davis Sen. D. Hemmert Sen. R. Okerlund Sen. J. Stevenson Sen. T. Weiler |
1. S.B. 54 Marriage and Premarital Counseling and Education Amendments (Christensen, A.) |
MOTION: Sen. Weiler moved to replace S.B. 54 with 1st Substitute S.B. 54. The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-4. | |||
Yeas - 4 | Nays-0 | Abs-4 | |
Sen. C. Bramble Sen. D. Ipson Sen. K. Mayne Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. G. Davis Sen. D. Hemmert Sen. R. Okerlund Sen. J. Stevenson |
Sen. Allen M. Christensen presented the bill with the assistance of Dr. Alan Hawkins, Chair, Utah Marriage Commission. |
Ms. Jacalyn S. Leavitt, former First Lady of Utah, Honorary Chair, Utah Marriage Commission, spoke for the bill. |
Ms. Joni Beals, Grassroots Director, Americans for Prosperity, spoke to the bill. |
MOTION: Sen. Ipson moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 54 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. | |||
Yeas - 6 | Nays-0 | Abs-2 | |
Sen. C. Bramble Sen. G. Davis Sen. D. Hemmert Sen. D. Ipson Sen. K. Mayne Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. R. Okerlund Sen. J. Stevenson |
2. S.B. 129 Private Investigator License Revisions (Escamilla (Robles), L.) |
Sen. Weiler assumed the chair. |
Sen. Luz Escamilla presented the bill. |
Mr. John Michael Zimmerle, Private Investigators Association of Utah, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Mr. Connor Boyack, President, LIberitas Institute, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Sen. Bramble resumed the chair. |
MOTION: Sen. Davis moved to pass S.B. 129 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. | |||
Yeas - 6 | Nays-0 | Abs-2 | |
Sen. C. Bramble Sen. G. Davis Sen. D. Hemmert Sen. D. Ipson Sen. K. Mayne Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. R. Okerlund Sen. J. Stevenson |
Sen Weiler assumed the chair. |
3. 1st Sub. H.B. 47 Transportation Network Vehicle Recovery Fund Sunset (Dunnigan, J.) |
Sen. Bramble presented the bill. |
MOTION: Sen. Davis moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 47 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. | |||
Yeas - 6 | Nays-0 | Abs-2 | |
Sen. C. Bramble Sen. G. Davis Sen. D. Hemmert Sen. D. Ipson Sen. K. Mayne Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. R. Okerlund Sen. J. Stevenson |
Sen. Bramble resumed the chair. |
4. 1st Sub. H.B. 30 Utah Antidiscrimination Act Amendments (Dunnigan, J.) |
Rep. James A. Dunnigan presented the bill. |
Chris Hill, Deputy Commissioner, Utah Labor Commission, spoke in favor of the bill. |
MOTION: Sen. Ipson moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 30 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. | |||
Yeas - 6 | Nays-0 | Abs-2 | |
Sen. C. Bramble Sen. G. Davis Sen. D. Hemmert Sen. D. Ipson Sen. K. Mayne Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. R. Okerlund Sen. J. Stevenson |
MOTION: Sen. Davis moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. | |||
Yeas - 6 | Nays-0 | Abs-2 | |
Sen. C. Bramble Sen. G. Davis Sen. D. Hemmert Sen. D. Ipson Sen. K. Mayne Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. R. Okerlund Sen. J. Stevenson |
Chair Bramble adjourned the meeting at 2:52 p.m. |