Friday, February 2, 2018 • 2:00 p.m. • 30 House Building

Members Present:
Rep. Kay J. Christofferson, Chair
Rep. Logan Wilde, Vice Chair
Rep. Walt Brooks
Rep. Justin L. Fawson
Rep. Michael S. Kennedy
Rep. Karen Kwan
Rep. Jefferson Moss
Rep. Adam Robertson

Members Absent:
Rep. Lynn N. Hemingway
Rep. John Knotwell
Rep. Mike Schultz
Rep. John R. Westwood

Staff Present:
Mr. Alex R. Janak, Policy Analyst
Ms. Wendy Hill, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Chair Christofferson called the meeting to order.
Rep. John Westwood was excused from the meeting.
MOTION: Vice Chair Wilde moved to approve the minutes. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-6.
Yeas - 6Nays-0Abs-6
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. J. Moss
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. L. Wilde
Rep. J. Fawson
Rep. L. Hemingway
Rep. M. Kennedy
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. J. Westwood
1. H.B. 184 Driver License Form Amendments (Ward, R.)
Rep. Raymond P. Ward explained the bill.
Mr. Marc Watterson, Utah Director of Government Relations, American Heart Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
Ms. Kris Fawson, Utah Statewide Independent Living Council and Legislative Coalition for People, spoke in favor of the bill.
Mr. Gary Thorup, American Diabetes Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Fawson moved to replace H.B. 184 with 1st Substitute H.B. 184. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4.
Yeas - 8Nays-0Abs-4
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. J. Fawson
Rep. M. Kennedy
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. J. Moss
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. L. Wilde
Rep. L. Hemingway
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. J. Westwood
MOTION: Rep. Fawson moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 184 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4.
Yeas - 8Nays-0Abs-4
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. J. Fawson
Rep. M. Kennedy
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. J. Moss
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. L. Wilde
Rep. L. Hemingway
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. J. Westwood
2. H.B. 220 Handheld Wireless Communication Device Amendments (Pitcher, D.)
Rep. Dixon M. Pitcher explained the bill.
Ms. Heather Williamson, citizen, spoke in opposition to the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Kennedy moved to move to next agenda item. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4.
Yeas - 8Nays-0Abs-4
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. J. Fawson
Rep. M. Kennedy
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. J. Moss
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. L. Wilde
Rep. L. Hemingway
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. J. Westwood
3. S.B. 44 Impoundment of Motor Vehicle Amendments (Fillmore, L.)
Sen. Lincoln Fillmore explained the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Moss moved to pass S.B. 44 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4.
Yeas - 8Nays-0Abs-4
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. J. Fawson
Rep. M. Kennedy
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. J. Moss
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. L. Wilde
Rep. L. Hemingway
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. J. Westwood
MOTION: Rep. Fawson moved to place S.B. 44 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4.
Yeas - 8Nays-0Abs-4
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. J. Fawson
Rep. M. Kennedy
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. J. Moss
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. L. Wilde
Rep. L. Hemingway
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. J. Westwood
MOTION: Vice Chair Wilde moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4.
Yeas - 8Nays-0Abs-4
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. J. Fawson
Rep. M. Kennedy
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. J. Moss
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. L. Wilde
Rep. L. Hemingway
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. J. Westwood
Chair Christofferson adjourned the meeting.