Thursday, March 1, 2018 • 12:05 p.m. • 250 State Capitol

Members Present:
Sen. Brian Zehnder, Chair
Sen. Lincoln Fillmore
Sen. Daniel Hemmert
Sen. Todd Weiler

Members Absent:
Sen. Gene Davis
Sen. Karen Mayne

Staff Present:
Mr. Alex R. Janak, Policy Analyst
Ms. Lorna Wells, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Acting Chair Hemmert called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.
MOTION: Sen. Weiler moved to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2018 and February 26, 2018 meetings. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0-3.
Yeas - 3Nays-0Abs-3
Sen. D. Hemmert
Sen. T. Weiler
Sen. B. Zehnder
Sen. G. Davis
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. K. Mayne
1. 1st Sub. H.B. 128 Utah Retirement System Amendments (Fawson, J.)
Sen. Zehner explained this bill.
MOTION: Sen. Weiler moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 128 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0-3.
Yeas - 3Nays-0Abs-3
Sen. D. Hemmert
Sen. T. Weiler
Sen. B. Zehnder
Sen. G. Davis
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. K. Mayne
MOTION: Sen. Zehnder moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0-3.
Yeas - 3Nays-0Abs-3
Sen. D. Hemmert
Sen. T. Weiler
Sen. B. Zehnder
Sen. G. Davis
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. K. Mayne
Acting Chair Hemmert adjourned the meeting at 12:08 p.m.