Wednesday, February 13, 2019 • 3:40 p.m. • 30 House Building

Members Present:
Rep. John Knotwell, Chair
Rep. Phil Lyman, Vice Chair
Rep. Patrice M. Arent
Rep. Walt Brooks
Rep. Jennifer Dailey-Provost
Rep. Brad M. Daw
Rep. Jon Hawkins
Rep. Val L. Peterson
Rep. Marc K. Roberts
Rep. Travis M. Seegmiller
Rep. Jeffrey D. Stenquist

Staff Present:
Mr. Brian J. Bean, Policy Analyst
Ms. Wendy Hill, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Chair Knotwell called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m.
MOTION: Rep. Daw moved to approve the minutes of the February 7, 2019, meeting. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-2.
Yeas - 9Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. P. Arent
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. B. Daw
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Roberts
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. P. Lyman
Rep. T. Seegmiller
1. H.B. 232 State Active Duty Amendments (Peterson, V.)
Rep. Peterson explained the bill with the assistance of Major General Jefferson S. Burton, Adjutant General, Utah National Guard.
MOTION: Rep. Arent moved to replace H.B. 232 with 1st Substitute H.B. 232. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-2.
Yeas - 9Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. P. Arent
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. B. Daw
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Roberts
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. P. Lyman
Rep. T. Seegmiller
MOTION: Rep. Roberts moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 232 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-2.
Yeas - 9Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. P. Arent
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. B. Daw
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Roberts
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. P. Lyman
Rep. T. Seegmiller
MOTION: Rep. Peterson moved to place 1st Substitute H.B. 232 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-2.
Yeas - 9Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. P. Arent
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. B. Daw
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Roberts
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. P. Lyman
Rep. T. Seegmiller
2. H.B. 277 Amendments to Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project (Roberts, M.)
Rep. Roberts explained the bill.
Justin Lee, Director of Elections, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, spoke to the bill.
Ricky Hatch, Weber County Clerk/Auditor, spoke to the bill.
Kory Holldaway, Voterize, spoke to the bill.
Frank Pignanelli, representative of West Jordan City, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Daw moved to replace H.B. 277 with 1st Substitute H.B. 277. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-1.
Yeas - 10Nays-0Abs-1
Rep. P. Arent
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. B. Daw
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. P. Lyman
Rep. M. Roberts
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. V. Peterson
MOTION: Rep. Daw moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 277 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-1.
Yeas - 10Nays-0Abs-1
Rep. P. Arent
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. B. Daw
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. P. Lyman
Rep. M. Roberts
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. V. Peterson
3. H.B. 292 State Flag Amendments (Stratton, K.)
Rep. Keven J. Stratton explained the bill with the assistance of Richard Martin, Chair, Organization for a New Utah Flag, and Jonathan Martin, Lead Designer, Organization for a New Utah Flag.
Rep. Stratton gave a presentation, "Utah State Flag Amendments, H.B. 292."
Flag Amendments
John M. Hartvigsen, vexillologist, Flag Research Center, spoke in opposition to the bill.
A handout, "'Rules of Flag Design' and the Utah State Flag," was distributed to the committee.
"Rules of Flag Design" and the Utah State Flag
DeVaughn Simper, vexillologist, spoke in opposition of the bill.
Lauren Simpson, Policy Fellow, Alliance for a Better Utah, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Michael Norton, resident, Sandy City, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Franz Kolb, Director of Diplomacy and Protocol, Governor's Office of Economic Development, spoke in opposition to the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Dailey-Provost moved to go to the next item on the agenda. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-5.
Yeas - 6Nays-0Abs-5
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. P. Arent
Rep. B. Daw
Rep. P. Lyman
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Roberts
4. H.B. 219 State Flag Review Commission (Handy, S.)
Rep. Stephen G. Handy explained the bill with the assistance of Chance Hammock, Co-Director, Utah Flag Group, and Arren Hill, Co-Director, Utah Flag Group.
Chance Hammock, Co-Director, Utah Flag Group, gave a presentation to the committee.
Vicki Varela, Managing Director, Utah Office of Tourism, spoke in favor of the bill.
Ron Fox, historian, spoke in favor of the bill.
A handout "State of Utah Flag" was distributed to the committee.
State of Utah Flag
Rep. Hawkins moved to pass H.B. 219 out favorably.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Seegmiller moved to hold H.B. 219. The Substitute motion passed with a vote of 9-0-2.
Yeas - 9Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. P. Arent
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. P. Lyman
Rep. M. Roberts
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. B. Daw
Rep. V. Peterson
MOTION: Rep. Stenquist moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-2.
Yeas - 9Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. P. Arent
Rep. W. Brooks
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. J. Knotwell
Rep. P. Lyman
Rep. M. Roberts
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. B. Daw
Rep. V. Peterson
Chair Knotwell adjourned the meeting at 5:34 p.m.