Members Present: Rep. Brad M. Daw, Chair Rep. Kelly B. Miles, Vice Chair Rep. Stewart E. Barlow Rep. Jennifer Dailey-Provost Rep. Steve Eliason Rep. Sandra Hollins Rep. Marsha Judkins Rep. Paul Ray | Rep. Rex P. Shipp Rep. Norman K. Thurston Members Absent: Rep. Robert M. Spendlove Rep. Raymond P. Ward Staff Present: Ms. Karin M. Rueff, Policy Analyst Ms. Karen C. Allred, Committee Secretary |
Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the
meeting can be found at
Chair Daw called the meeting to order at 2:07 P.M. |
MOTION: Rep. Thurston moved to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2019 meeting. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-5. | |||
Yeas - 7 | Nays-0 | Abs-5 | |
Rep. S. Barlow Rep. B. Daw Rep. M. Judkins Rep. K. Miles Rep. P. Ray Rep. R. Shipp Rep. N. Thurston | Rep. J. Dailey-Provost Rep. S. Eliason Rep. S. Hollins Rep. R. Spendlove Rep. R. Ward |
1. 1st Sub. S.B. 74 Air Ambulance Committee Amendments (Harper, W.) |
Sen. Wayne A. Harper presented the bill with the assistance of Ms. Sheila Walsh-McDonald, Legislative Liason, Utah Department of Public Health and Environment. |
MOTION: Rep. Eliason moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 74 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-3. | |||
Yeas - 9 | Nays-0 | Abs-3 | |
Rep. S. Barlow Rep. J. Dailey-Provost Rep. B. Daw Rep. S. Eliason Rep. M. Judkins Rep. K. Miles Rep. P. Ray Rep. R. Shipp Rep. N. Thurston | Rep. S. Hollins Rep. R. Spendlove Rep. R. Ward |
2. S.B. 83 Partnerships for Healthy Communities (Millner, A.) |
Sen. Ann Millner presented the bill. |
Ms. Jessie Mandle, Voices for Utah Children, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Ms. Nicholeen Peck, President, Utah Empowered Families Coalition, spoke in opposition to the bill. |
Ms. Dalane England, United Women's Forum, spoke in opposition to the bill. |
Kristin Chevrier, Your Health Freedom, spoke in opposition the bill. |
Rep. Ray moved to pass S.B. 83 out favorably. |
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Thurston moved to hold S.B. 83. The substitute motion failed with a vote of 4-6-2. | |||
Yeas - 4 | Nays-6 | Abs-2 | |
Rep. S. Barlow Rep. B. Daw Rep. R. Shipp Rep. N. Thurston | Rep. J. Dailey-Provost Rep. S. Eliason Rep. S. Hollins Rep. M. Judkins Rep. K. Miles Rep. P. Ray | Rep. R. Spendlove Rep. R. Ward |
Rep. Ray's motion to pass S.B. 83 out favorablypassed with a vote 6-4-2. | |||
Yeas - 6 | Nays-4 | Abs-2 | |
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost Rep. S. Eliason Rep. S. Hollins Rep. M. Judkins Rep. K. Miles Rep. P. Ray | Rep. S. Barlow Rep. B. Daw Rep. R. Shipp Rep. N. Thurston | Rep. R. Spendlove Rep. R. Ward |
3. H.B. 275 Contraception for Women Prisoners (Dailey-Provost, J.) |
Rep. Jennifer Daily-Provost presented the bill with the assistance of Dr. Kyl Myers, PhD, MS. |
Contraception in jail |
Women Provided witih Contraception |
Contraceptive Costs |
Mr. Reid Richards, Utah Sheriff's Association, spoke to the bill. |
Mr. Dale Bench, Health Services Administrator, Utah County Jail, spoke to the bill. |
Ms. Jasmine Charles, Physicians Assistant, spoke in favor of the bill. |
MOTION: Rep. Ray moved to return H.B. 275 to the Rules Committee, with a recommendation that it be referred to the Health and Human Services Interim Committee for further study. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2. | |||
Yeas - 10 | Nays-0 | Abs-2 | |
Rep. S. Barlow Rep. J. Dailey-Provost Rep. B. Daw Rep. S. Eliason Rep. S. Hollins Rep. M. Judkins Rep. K. Miles Rep. P. Ray Rep. R. Shipp Rep. N. Thurston | Rep. R. Spendlove Rep. R. Ward |
MOTION: Rep. Thurston moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2. | |||
Yeas - 10 | Nays-0 | Abs-2 | |
Rep. S. Barlow Rep. J. Dailey-Provost Rep. B. Daw Rep. S. Eliason Rep. S. Hollins Rep. M. Judkins Rep. K. Miles Rep. P. Ray Rep. R. Shipp Rep. N. Thurston | Rep. R. Spendlove Rep. R. Ward |
Chair Daw adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m. |