Wednesday, February 20, 2019 • 8:00 a.m. • 30 House Building

Members Present:
Rep. Kay J. Christofferson, Chair
Rep. Ken Ivory, Vice Chair
Rep. Kyle R. Andersen
Rep. Melissa G. Ballard
Rep. Suzanne Harrison
Rep. Dan N. Johnson
Rep. Marsha Judkins
Rep. Karen Kwan
Rep. Merrill F. Nelson
Rep. Adam Robertson
Rep. Lawanna Shurtliff
Rep. Raymond P. Ward

Staff Present:
Mr. Ryan M. Hunter, Policy Analyst
Ms. Wendy Hill, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Vice Chair Ivory called the meeting to order at 8:06 a.m.
MOTION: Rep. Robertson moved to approve the minutes of the February 15, 2019 meeting. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-5.
Yeas - 7Nays-0Abs-5
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. S. Harrison
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. L. Shurtliff
Rep. R. Ward
1. 1st Sub. S.B. 104 Removal or Disruption of Survey Monuments (Buxton, D. G.)
Sen. D. Gregg Buxton explained the bill.
Gary Ratcliffe, Utah County Surveyor, spoke to the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Christofferson moved to replace 1st Substitute S.B. 104 with 2nd Substitute S.B. 104. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-3.
Yeas - 9Nays-0Abs-3
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. S. Harrison
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. L. Shurtliff
MOTION: Rep. Christofferson moved to amend 2nd Substitute S.B. 104 with Amendment #2. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-3.
Amendment 2
2nd Sub. S.B. 104
1.        Page 3, Lines 85 through 87: 
85         location; and
86                 (B) the county shall provide to the permit holder the necessary { materials } brass monument, ring, and lid for the permit
87         holder's work described in Subsection (3)(c)(iv)(A).

Yeas - 9Nays-0Abs-3
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. S. Harrison
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. L. Shurtliff
MOTION: Rep. Christofferson moved to pass 2nd Substitute S.B. 104 as amended out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-3.
Yeas - 9Nays-0Abs-3
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. S. Harrison
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. L. Shurtliff
MOTION: Rep. Christofferson moved to place 2nd Substitute S.B. 104 as amended on the Consent Calendar. The motion failed with a vote of 8-1-3.
Yeas - 8Nays-1Abs-3
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. S. Harrison
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. L. Shurtliff
2. H.B. 294 Driver License Renewal Amendments (Robertson, A.)
Rep. Robertson explained the bill.
A handout "HB 294 Driver License Renewal Amendments" was distributed to the committee.
HB 294 Driver License Renewal Amendments
Chris Caras, Director, Driver License Division, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Ballard moved to replace H.B. 294 with 2nd Substitute H.B. 294. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.
Yeas - 10Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. S. Harrison
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. L. Shurtliff
MOTION: Rep. Ballard moved to pass 2nd Substitute H.B. 294 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.
Yeas - 10Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. S. Harrison
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. L. Shurtliff
3. H.J.R. 20 Joint Resolution on Drone Safety (Robertson, A.)
Rep. Robertson explained the resolution.
The handout "Know Before You Fly" was distributed to the committee.
Know Before You Fly
MOTION: Rep. Nelson moved to pass H.J.R. 20 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.
Yeas - 10Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. S. Harrison
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. L. Shurtliff
4. 1st Sub. S.B. 68 Driver License and Implied Consent Modifications (Mayne, K.)
Sen. Karen Mayne explained the bill with the assistance of Kim Gibb, Director Legislative & Government Affairs, Utah Department of Public Safety.
MOTION: Rep. Ward moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 68 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.
Yeas - 10Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. S. Harrison
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. L. Shurtliff
MOTION: Rep. Robertson moved to saunter. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.
Yeas - 10Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. S. Harrison
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. L. Shurtliff
Vice Chair Ivory called the meeting to order at 9:17 a.m.
5. H.B. 289 Tinted Vehicle Windows Amendments (Lyman, P.)
Rep. Phil Lyman explained the bill.
Colonel Michael Rapich, Utah Highway Patrol, spoke in opposition to the bill.
John Hiskey, Senior Policy Analyst, Utah League of Cities and Towns, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Molly Davis, Policy Analyst, Libertas Institute, spoke in favor of the bill.
LeGrand Bitter, Executive Director, Utah Association of Special Districts, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Rep. Nelson moved to hold H.B. 289.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Robertson moved to amend H.B. 289 to change 25% to 35% on lines 13 and 29.
MOTION: Rep. Kwan moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.
Yeas - 10Nays-0Abs-2
Rep. K. Andersen
Rep. K. Christofferson
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. D. Johnson
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. K. Kwan
Rep. M. Nelson
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. L. Shurtliff
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. M. Ballard
Rep. S. Harrison
Vice Chair Ivory adjourned the meeting at 9:52 a.m.