Friday, September 13, 2019 • 6:00 p.m. • Jennifer Leavitt Student Center, 414 North 300 East, Price, Utah

Members Present:
Sen. Allen M. Christensen, Senate Chair
Rep. Paul Ray, House Chair
Rep. Raymond P. Ward, House Vice Chair
President J. Stuart Adams
Rep. Kim F. Coleman
Rep. Sandra Hollins
Rep. Marsha Judkins

Members Absent:
Sen. Kirk A. Cullimore
Sen. Luz Escamilla
Sen. Keith Grover
Sen. Daniel Hemmert
Sen. Todd Weiler
Rep. Jennifer Dailey-Provost
Rep. Brad M. Daw
Rep. Adam Robertson
Rep. Travis M. Seegmiller
Rep. Norman K. Thurston

Staff Present:
Ms. An Bradshaw, Committee Secretary
Mr. Russell T. Frandsen, Finance Officer
Ms. Clare Tobin Lence, Finance Manager

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

1. Call to Order - Town Hall Meeting on the Opioid Overdose Crisis in Carbon
Chair Ray called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. and thanked Utah State University for letting the committee use their facility for free, as well as for their help setting up the meeting accommodations.
2. Subcommittee Report and Feedback From Providers on Suggestions Received
1a-Issue Brief - 2019 Interim - Follow Up on Nine Suggestions Received from 2018 Opioid Town Hall Meeting
Mr. Russell Frandsen, Finance Officer, Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst (LFA), presented the follow up on nine suggestions received from 2018 Opioid Town Hall Meeting--Issue Brief.
Rep. Judkins asked for additional information and Mr. Frandsen responded.
Chair Ray explained the purpose of the meeting to the public and committee.
Ms. Angie McCourt, Program Administrator, Juvenile Justice Services, explained the services provided by her program and was available for questions.
Chair Ray asked about the differences in providing services to rural areas compared to the Wasatch front area and Ms. McCourt responded.
Chair Ray acknowledged the presence of Rep. Christine F. Watkins, Sen. David P. Hinkins and Senate President J. Stuart Adams.
2a-Flyer Handout Accomplishments in 2018-2019 Four Corners Behavioral Health
Ms. Karen Dolan, CEO, Four Corners Community Behavioral Health, presented the accomplishments and work of the program over the past year and explained the program's needs.
Ms. Melissa Huntington, Clinical Director, Four Corners Community Behavioral Health, concurred with Ms. Dolan.
Ms. Sabrina Carter, Positive Pathways, explained her program, which treats mental health disorders and substance use disorder problems.
Rep. Judkins asked about needs to help with the screening of patients and Ms. Carter responded.
President Adams made a comment about the State's funding of Medicaid.
Rep. Ward made a comment about the importance of controlling the number of opioid prescriptions.
Rep. Hollins asked if there was an increase in heroin use in the Carbon County area and Ms. Carter responded.
Chair Ray also responded to Rep. Hollins question.
Mr. Mike Murano, President, Beechtree Diagnostics, gave a statement about substance use disorder and treatment in the community. He also detailed what Beechtree Diagnostics does.
Sen. Christensen asked what are the differences in tests offered by the State's lab and Beechtree Diagnostics and Mr. Murano responded.
Chair Ray asked about the number and costs of the tests for drug use and Mr. Murano responded,
Mr. Desmond Lomax, Deputy Director of Community Programming, Adult Probation and Parole (AP&P), explained what the program does and who it reaches. Ms. Vida Betts, Supervisor for Carbon County, AP&P, and Ms. Susan Hyde, Treatment Resource Officer for Carbon County, AP&P, introduced themselves.
Rep. Ward asked about former inmates getting on Medicaid or buying policies on the exchange and Mr. Lomax responded.
Chair Ray commented on the month-to-month assessment for Medicaid and Mr. Lomax responded.
Rep. Hollins asked about mental health treatment in the criminal justice system and Mr. Lomax responded.
Rep. Ward commented on the State's requirements for former inmates who buy insurance and Mr. Lomax responded.
Mr. Larry Jensen, Commissioner, Carbon County, spoke about the community's involvement in working on the opioid crisis and potential future economic challenges and solutions.
Chair Ray thanked Commissioner Jensen for his explanation of the area's economic development.
Mr. Michael Drechsel, Assistant State Court Administrator, explained the court's interest in targeting drug and mental health issues before the sufferers come before the courts.
Judge George Harmond, Seventh District Drug Court, spoke about drug court and the additional issues of mental health and the importance of preventing drug addiction before the individuals need drug court.
Chair Ray asked what the Legislature can do to help with preventing drug abuse and Judge Harmond responded.
Mr. Brent Kelsey, Assistant Director, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Department of Human Services (DHS), provided information on the services provided to help and the problems the division is most concerned about. He also talked about the Botvins Lifeskills Treatment Program that is now in Utah schools.
Chair Ray asked about Medicaid funding and Mr. Kelsey responded.
Rep. Judkins asked how the Legislature can help people with addictions and Mr. Kelsey responded.
Rep. Judkins asked about methadone deaths and Ms. Anna Fondario, Program Manager, Department of Health (DOH), and Mr. Kelsey responded.
Rep. Ward commented on the death rates from different drugs and Mr. Kelsey also commented.
President Adams asked questions about rates of vaping marijuana and other drugs and Mr. Kelsey responded.
At this point the recorder malfunctioned and there is no audio record of the remainder of the meeting.
Ms. Fondario outlined the efforts of DOH to address the opioid problem.
3. Medicaid Expansion Updates on Access to Substance Abuse Treatment
Mr. Nate Checketts, Deputy Director, DOH, gave a remote presentation and update on how access to substance use disorder treatment has changed following Medicaid expansion in Utah. He discussed who qualifies and what services are available.
4. Public Input on Current Status of Opioid Crisis in Carbon County
Ms. Elise Condie, speaking on behalf of Dr. Ashley Yaugher, Utah State University Extension, HEART Faculty, discussed local efforts through collaborative partnerships and education.
Mr. John Cardon, citizen, discussed the revolving door of the justice system and asked about possible funds for the support of those recently released from incarceration.
Mr. Justin Mars, former inmate, talked about the difficulties of reintegrating back into society after his release. Mr. Cardon serves as his mentor and Mr. Mars thanked him.
Rep. Hollins asked Mr. Mars about reintegrating back into society and he responded.
Ms. Debbie Marvidikis, Health Promotion Director, Southeast Utah Health Department, discussed opioid prevention and expungement programs in southeastern Utah and answered questions from the committee.
Mr. Jim Darter, citizen, discussed the need for transitional housing for those being released from incarceration.
Chair Ray commented on the need for transitional housing.
Ms. Jana Abrams, Faith Based Coalition, presented information about the group and the challenges with the rules that apply to those in treatment facilities. She was assisted by Rep. Watkins.
Chair Ray gave information about solutions to some of the problems people face when they are newly released from jail.
Rep. Watkins spoke about the work of the Division of Child and Family Services.
Mr. David Safford, Lost & Found Ministries, presented information on faith-based substance use disorder treatment efforts.
Mr. Zephan Johnson, formerly addicted, spoke about the help Lost & Found Ministries gave him in overcoming his addiction.
Ms. Haven Halk, Carbon Medical Service Association, Family Nurse Practitioner, discussed substance use disorder treatment and the need for more resources in the most rural parts of the county.
Mr. Ben Lockhart, Public Affairs Manager, Association for Utah Community Health, presented information on substance use disorder treatment, including medication assisted treatment.
Chair Ray thanked the speakers for traveling to Price and presenting information to the committee and the community.
MOTION: Sen. Christensen moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-10.
Yeas - 7Nays-0Abs-10
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. A. Christensen
Rep. K. Coleman
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. P. Ray
Rep. R. Ward
Sen. K. Cullimore
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. B. Daw
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hemmert
Rep. A. Robertson
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. N. Thurston
Sen. T. Weiler
Chair Ray adjourned the meeting at 9:52 p.m.