Members Present: Rep. Stephen G. Handy, Chair Rep. Merrill F. Nelson, Vice Chair Rep. Cheryl K. Acton Rep. Kim F. Coleman Rep. James A. Dunnigan Rep. Val K. Potter Rep. Marie H. Poulson | Rep. Susan Pulsipher Rep. Lawanna Shurtliff Rep. Elizabeth Weight Rep. Logan Wilde Staff Present: Samantha D. Brucker, Policy Analyst An Bradshaw, Committee Secretary |
Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the
meeting can be found at
Chair Nelson called the meeting to order at 3:49 p.m. |
MOTION: Rep. Handy moved to approve the minutes. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-1. | |||
Yeas - 10 | Nays-0 | Abs-1 | |
Rep. C. Acton Rep. J. Dunnigan Rep. S. Handy Rep. M. Nelson Rep. V. Potter Rep. M. Poulson Rep. S. Pulsipher Rep. L. Shurtliff Rep. E. Weight Rep. L. Wilde | Rep. K. Coleman |
1. H.B. 257 County Government Form Amendments (Brammer, B.) |
Rep. Brammer explained the bill with the assistance of Jenney Rees, Mayor, Cedar Hills, and Andrew Jackson, Executive Director, Mountainland Association of Governments. |
Mike Kohler, resident, spoke against the bill. |
Rep. Dunnigan moved to amend H.B. 257 with Amendment #1. |
Amendment 1
H.B. 257 319 [ 320 321 (d) specifies that { 322 districts; 323 (e) specifies county council members' qualifications and terms and whether the terms 324 are to be staggered; |
Rep. Dunnigan's motion to amend H.B. 257 with Amendment #1passed with a vote 11-0-0. | |||
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-0 | |
Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Coleman Rep. J. Dunnigan Rep. S. Handy Rep. M. Nelson Rep. V. Potter Rep. M. Poulson Rep. S. Pulsipher Rep. L. Shurtliff Rep. E. Weight Rep. L. Wilde |
Rep. Dunnigan moved to hold H.B. 257. |
Rep. Dunnigan's motion to hold H.B. 257passed with a vote 9-2-0. | |||
Yeas - 9 | Nays-2 | Abs-0 | |
Rep. J. Dunnigan Rep. S. Handy Rep. M. Nelson Rep. V. Potter Rep. M. Poulson Rep. S. Pulsipher Rep. L. Shurtliff Rep. E. Weight Rep. L. Wilde | Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Coleman |
2. H.B. 198 Eminent Domain Limitations (Pulsipher, S.) |
Rep. Pulsipher presented the bill with the assistance of Paige Norton, farm owner, and Ryan Loose, South Jordan City Attorney and representing the League of Cities and Towns. |
Garrett Paul, Utah Farm Bureau, spoke for the bill. |
Rep. Shurtliff moved to pass H.B. 198 out favorably. |
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Coleman moved to amend H.B. 198 with Amendment #1. The substitute motion passed with a vote of 11-0-0. | |||
Amendment 1
H.B. 198 26 78B-6-501. Eminent domain -- Uses for which right may be exercised. 27 [ 28 { 29 { 30 { 31 32 (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3) and subject to the provisions of this part, the 33 right of eminent domain may be exercised on behalf of the following public uses: |
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-0 | |
Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Coleman Rep. J. Dunnigan Rep. S. Handy Rep. M. Nelson Rep. V. Potter Rep. M. Poulson Rep. S. Pulsipher Rep. L. Shurtliff Rep. E. Weight Rep. L. Wilde |
MOTION: Rep. Pulsipher moved to pass H.B. 198 out favorably as amended. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-0. | |||
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-0 | |
Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Coleman Rep. J. Dunnigan Rep. S. Handy Rep. M. Nelson Rep. V. Potter Rep. M. Poulson Rep. S. Pulsipher Rep. L. Shurtliff Rep. E. Weight Rep. L. Wilde |
MOTION: Rep. Potter moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-0. | |||
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-0 | |
Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Coleman Rep. J. Dunnigan Rep. S. Handy Rep. M. Nelson Rep. V. Potter Rep. M. Poulson Rep. S. Pulsipher Rep. L. Shurtliff Rep. E. Weight Rep. L. Wilde |
Chair Nelson adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m. |