February 3, 2021
3:40 p.m.
1150 State Office Building
Members Present:
Rep. Carl R. Albrecht, Chair Rep. Rex P. Shipp, Vice Chair Rep. Scott H. Chew Rep. Clare Collard Rep. Steven J. Lund Rep. Doug Owens Rep. Michael J. Petersen Rep. Angela Romero
| Rep. Keven J. Stratton Rep. Douglas R. Welton Rep. Ryan D. Wilcox
Members Absent:
Rep. Kay J. Christofferson
Staff Present:
Sarah J. Balland, Policy Analyst Linda Service, Committee Secretary
Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the
meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.
Chair Shipp called the meeting to order at 3:49 p.m. |
1. H.B. 72 Device Filter Amendments (Pulsipher, S.) |
Rep. Pulsipher presented the bill assisted by Chris McKenna, CEO and Founder, Protect Young Eyes; Benjamin Bull, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, National Center on Sexual Exploitation; and Eleanor Gaetan, Director of Public Policy, National Center on Sexual Exploitation. |
Rikka Strong, Associate General Counsel, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, addressed committee questions regarding the bill. |
The committee proceeded with further clarifying questions on the bill. |
The chair called for public comment on the bill. |
Dr. Jennifer Brown, spoke in support of the bill. |
Linda Zenger, Utah PTA, spoke in support of the bill. |
Gayle Ruzicka, Utah Eagle Forum, spoke in support of the bill. |
Smith Alley, student and founder of Protecht Strong, spoke in support of the bill. |
James Czerniawski, Libertas Institute, spoke in opposition to the bill. |
Mervyn Arnold, citizen, spoke in support of the bill. |
Elle Phillips, student, spoke in support of the bill. |
Jason Syversen, Connect Venture Partners, spoke in support of the bill. |
Melissa Marchant, citizen, spoke in support of the bill. |
Rachel Headrick, citizen, spoke in support of the bill. |
Cameron Demetre,TechNet, spoke in opposition to the bill |
Carl Szabo, NetChoice Vice President and Adjunct Professor of Internet Law at George Mason Antonin Scalia Law School, spoke in opposition to the bill. |
Rep. Stratton moved to close public comment, and the chair proceeded with a voice vote. After committee discussion, the chair ruled the motion failed and invited further public comment. |
Lisa McCabe, CTIA, spoke in opposition to the bill. |
Dave Davis, Utah Retail Merchants Association, spoke in opposition to the bill. |
Todd Bingham, Utah Manufacturers Association, spoke in opposition to the bill. |
Mary Ann Christensen, Citizens for Strong Families, spoke in support of the bill. |
The chair returned to the committee for action on the bill. |
MOTION: Rep. Albrecht moved delete in body and title H.B. 72 and replace it with 1st Substitute H.B. 72.
The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.
Yeas - 10 | Nays-0 | Abs-2 | |
Rep. C. Albrecht Rep. S. Chew Rep. C. Collard Rep. S. Lund Rep. M. Petersen Rep. A. Romero Rep. R. Shipp Rep. K. Stratton Rep. D. Welton Rep. R. Wilcox
| | Rep. K. Christofferson Rep. D. Owens
| |
Rep. Welton moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 72 out favorably. |
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Wilcox made a substitute motion to hold 1st Substitute H.B. 72. |
Rep. Chew moved to adjourn. |
Rep. Stratton made a point of order and asked for staff clarification on the motion to adjourn during a pending substitute motion. |
Sarah J. Balland, Policy Analyst, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, read the House Standing Committee Rules and deferred to the chair. |
The chair ruled that the motion to adjourn was in order and proceeded to call the vote. |
Rep. Chew's motion to adjourn passed with a vote 9-1-2.
Yeas - 9 | Nays-1 | Abs-2 | |
Rep. C. Albrecht Rep. S. Chew Rep. C. Collard Rep. S. Lund Rep. M. Petersen Rep. A. Romero Rep. R. Shipp Rep. K. Stratton Rep. R. Wilcox
| Rep. D. Welton
| Rep. K. Christofferson Rep. D. Owens
| |
Chair Shipp adjourned the meeting at 5:43 p.m. |