Members Present: Rep. Karianne Lisonbee, Chair Rep. Nelson T. Abbott Rep. Cheryl K. Acton Rep. Kera Birkeland Rep. Brady Brammer Rep. Craig Hall Rep. Brian S. King Rep. Stephanie Pitcher | Rep. Travis M. Seegmiller Rep. V. Lowry Snow Rep. Mark A. Wheatley Members Absent: Rep. Jon Hawkins, Vice Chair Staff Present: Kristina King, Policy Analyst Jordan Gage, Committee Secretary |
Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the
meeting can be found at
Acting Chair Hall called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. |
1. H.B. 76 Firearm Preemption Amendments (Maloy, A.C.) |
Rep. Maloy presented the bill. |
Committee discussion took place on the bill. |
Clark Aposhian, Chair, Utah Shooting Sports Counsel, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Cameron Diehl, Utah League of Cities and Towns, spoke to the bill. |
Connor Boyack, Lobbyist, Libertas Institute, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Rep. Lisonbee assumed the chair. |
Laurie Stringham, Councilwoman, Salt Lake County, spoke to the bill. |
Sam Robinson, Utah Gun Exchange, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Jenny Wilson, Mayor, Salt Lake County, spoke to the bill. |
Ed Rutan, Gun Violence Prevention Center, spoke against the bill. |
Lee Ivy Vosin, March for Our Lives Utah, spoke against the bill. |
Dan Reid, Western Regional Director of National Rifle Association, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Rep. Abbott moved to replace H.B. 76 with 1st Substitute H.B. 76. |
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Brammer moved to go to the next item on the agenda. The substitute motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1. | |||
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-1 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. T. Seegmiller Rep. V. Snow Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. J. Hawkins |
Note: H.B. 76 was reconsidered later in the meeting. |
MOTION: Rep. Birkeland moved to approve the minutes from the February 18, 2021 meeting. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1. | |||
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-1 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. T. Seegmiller Rep. V. Snow Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. J. Hawkins |
2. H.B. 330 Restorative Justice Definition (Stoddard, A.) |
Rep. Stoddard presented the bill. |
Committee discussion took place on the bill. |
Alexandria Yrungaray, Restorative Justice Collaborative of Utah, spoke in favor of the bill. |
MOTION: Rep. Snow moved to pass H.B. 330 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 9-1-2. | |||
Yeas - 9 | Nays-1 | Abs-2 | |
Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. V. Snow Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. T. Seegmiller | Rep. N. Abbott Rep. J. Hawkins |
3. H.B. 358 Guardianship Amendments (Spendlove, R.) |
Rep. Spendlove presented the bill. |
Committee discussion took place on the bill. |
Rich Johnson, Children Services Society of Utah, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Encarni Gallardo, Executive Director, Children Services Society of Utah, spoke in favor of the bill. |
MOTION: Rep. Acton moved to pass H.B. 358 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1. | |||
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-1 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. T. Seegmiller Rep. V. Snow Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. J. Hawkins |
4. 1st Sub. S.B. 85 Disinheritance Following Crimes Against Vulnerable Adults (Weiler, T.) |
Sen. Weiler presented the bill. |
Committee discussion took place on the bill. |
Kaye Lynn Wooten, Director, Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, spoke in favor of the bill. |
MOTION: Rep. Brammer moved to amend 1st Substitute S.B. 85 with Amendment #2. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1. | |||
Amendment 2
1st Sub. S.B. 85 270 property or benefit if this section or the relevant part of this section was not preempted. (10) Notwithstanding Subsections (2) through (6), and notwithstanding an abuser's conviction for a disqualifying offense, the abuser may inherit, take, enjoy, receive, or otherwise benefit from the estate of the vulnerable adult if: (a) (i) after the abuser's conviction, the vulnerable adult executes a new governing instrument or amends or affirms an existing governing instrument under which the abuser receives a benefit; and (ii) the vulnerable adult is not incapacitated, as that term is defined in Section 75-1-201, at the time the vulnerable adult makes the execution, amendment, or affirmation described in Subsection (7)(a)(i); or (b) the court reviewing a petition under this section determines that a manifest injustice would result if the abuser is disinherited by operation of this section. 271 { 272 { 273 { 274 felony offense that occurred prior to the effective date of this bill; and 275 { 276 portion of the offense persists after the effective date of this bill. 277 { 278 279 280 319 Section 5. Revisor instructions. 320 The Legislature intends that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, in 321 preparing the Utah Code database for publication, replace the references in Subsection 322 75-2-807 { |
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-1 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. T. Seegmiller Rep. V. Snow Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. J. Hawkins |
MOTION: Rep. Brammer moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 85 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1. | |||
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-1 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. T. Seegmiller Rep. V. Snow Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. J. Hawkins |
MOTION: Rep. Brammer moved to reconsider the committee's actions on H.B. 76. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1. | |||
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-1 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. T. Seegmiller Rep. V. Snow Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. J. Hawkins |
5. H.B. 76 Firearm Preemption Amendments (Maloy, A.C.) |
MOTION: Rep. Abbott moved to replace H.B. 76 with 1st Substitute H.B. 76. The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1. | |||
Yeas - 11 | Nays-0 | Abs-1 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. T. Seegmiller Rep. V. Snow Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. J. Hawkins |
MOTION: Rep. Brammer moved to amend 1st Substitute H.B. 76 with Amendment #1. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2. | |||
Amendment 1
1st Sub. H.B. 0076 113 (1) As used in this section, "homeless shelter" means a permanent facility that provides temporary |
Yeas - 10 | Nays-0 | Abs-2 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. T. Seegmiller Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. J. Hawkins Rep. V. Snow |
MOTION: Rep. Abbott moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 76 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 6-4-2. | |||
Yeas - 6 | Nays-4 | Abs-2 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. T. Seegmiller | Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. J. Hawkins Rep. V. Snow |
MOTION: Rep. Brammer moved to adjourn. The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2. | |||
Yeas - 10 | Nays-0 | Abs-2 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. B. Brammer Rep. C. Hall Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. S. Pitcher Rep. T. Seegmiller Rep. M. Wheatley | Rep. J. Hawkins Rep. V. Snow |
Chair Lisonbee adjourned the meeting at 9:18 a.m. |