Wednesday, October 20, 2021 • 1:15 p.m. • 450 State Capitol

Members Present:
Sen. Ronald M. Winterton, Chair
Rep. Stephen G. Handy, Chair
Sen. Derek L. Kitchen
Sen. Michael K. McKell
Sen. Ann Millner
Sen. Jerry W. Stevenson
Rep. Clare Collard
Rep. Steven J. Lund
Rep. Carol Spackman Moss
Rep. Doug Owens
Rep. Michael J. Petersen
Rep. Susan Pulsipher
Rep. Jeffrey D. Stenquist
Rep. Steve Waldrip
Rep. Douglas R. Welton

Members Absent:
Rep. James A. Dunnigan

Staff Present:
Karin M. Rueff, Managing Policy Analyst
Gus Harb, Associate General Counsel
Lorna Wells, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Chair Winterton called the meeting to order at 1:39 p.m.
1.Committee Business
October Meeting Outline
MOTION:Chair Handy moved to approve the minutes of the September 15, 2021 meeting.The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-7.
Yeas - 9Nays- 0Abs- 7
Rep. S. Handy
Rep. S. Lund
Sen. A. Millner
Rep. C. Moss
Rep. D. Owens
Rep. M. Petersen
Rep. S. Pulsipher
Rep. J. Stenquist
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. C. Collard
Rep. J. Dunnigan
Sen. D. Kitchen
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. J. Stevenson
Rep. S. Waldrip
Rep. D. Welton
2.Economic Impact of Utah's Film Incentives
Jeff Johnson, President, Motion Picture of Association of Utah discussed the economic impact of film incentives with the assistance of Shawn Milne, Regional Economic Development Director.
Leon Forde, Managing Director, and Eleanor Jubb, Consultant, Olsberg SPI, joined virtually and discussed the economic impact of the Utah Film Production Tax Credit.
2.1 Presentation: Economic Impact of the Utah Film Production Tax Credit (Motion Picture Association of Utah)
Committee discussion then took place.
Dan Hemmert, Executive Director, Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity, answered committee members' questions.
Virginia Pearce, Director, Utah Film Commission answered committee members' questions.
3.Update on the Economic Opportunity Commission
Dan Hemmert gave an update on the Economic Opportunity Commission with assistance of Ben Hart, Deputy Director, Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity, and Kyle Palmer, Associate Director, Economic Opportunity Commission.
3.1 Presentation: Update on the Economic Opportunity Commission (GOEO)
Committee discussion took place.
4.Draft Legislation: "Commission on Housing Affordability Amendments"
Committee discussion took place regarding the proposed legislation regarding the Commission on Housing Authority.
Gus Harb, Associate General Counsel, explained the bill regarding the Commission on Housing Affordability.
4.1 Draft Legislation: "Commission on Housing Affordability Amendments"
Committee discussion took place.
Chair Winterton opened the meeting to public comment.
Steve Erickson, Crossroads Urban Center, spoke to the proposed legislation.
MOTION:Chair Handy moved that the committee favorably recommend "Commission on Housing Affordability Amendments" as a committee bill for the 2022 General Session with Rep. Waldrip as the sponsor.The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-4.
Yeas - 12Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. C. Collard
Rep. S. Handy
Sen. D. Kitchen
Rep. S. Lund
Sen. M. McKell
Rep. C. Moss
Rep. D. Owens
Rep. S. Pulsipher
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. S. Waldrip
Rep. D. Welton
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. J. Dunnigan
Sen. A. Millner
Rep. M. Petersen
Sen. J. Stevenson
5.Update on Child Care in Utah
Kevin Burt, Assistant Deputy Director, Development of Workforce Services, gave an update on Child Care COVID relief funds with the assistance of Rebecca Banner, Director, Office of Child Care.
5.1 Presentation: COVID-19 Child Care Gap Analysis (Office of Child Care)
Committee discussion took place.
Rep. Pulsipher gave a presentation regarding proposed policy options for the committee bill on child care.
5.2 Presentation: Child Care Access and Affordability (OLRGC)
Committee discussion took place.
Karin Rueff, Managing Policy Analyst, OLRGC, answered some technical questions regarding the options discussed.
Chair Winterton opened the meeting to public comment.
Kevin Burt, Assistant Deputy Director, Department of Workforce Services, spoke to the proposed policy options.
Simon Bolivar, Supervisor, Child Care Licensing Program, Utah Department of Health, spoke to the proposed policy options.
Committee discussion took place.
MOTION:Chair Handy moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-4.
Yeas - 12Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. C. Collard
Rep. S. Handy
Sen. D. Kitchen
Rep. S. Lund
Sen. M. McKell
Rep. C. Moss
Rep. D. Owens
Rep. S. Pulsipher
Rep. J. Stenquist
Rep. S. Waldrip
Rep. D. Welton
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. J. Dunnigan
Sen. A. Millner
Rep. M. Petersen
Sen. J. Stevenson
Chair Winterton adjourned the meeting at 3:56 p.m.