Friday, January 21, 2022 • 2:00 p.m. • 110 Senate Building

Members Present:
Rep. Jon Hawkins, Chair
Rep. Karianne Lisonbee, Vice Chair
Rep. Nelson T. Abbott
Rep. Cheryl K. Acton
Rep. Kera Birkeland
Rep. Brady Brammer
Rep. Brian S. King
Rep. Stephanie Pitcher
Rep. Judy Weeks Rohner
Rep. Travis M. Seegmiller
Rep. V. Lowry Snow
Rep. Mark A. Wheatley

Staff Present:
Jonathan Adams, Policy Analyst
Jordan Gage, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Chair Hawkins called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.
Chair Hawkins asked for committee members to introduce themselves.
MOTION:Rep. Brammer moved to approve the minutes from the March 2, 2021, meeting.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. K. Birkeland
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. K. Lisonbee
Rep. S. Pitcher
Rep. J. Rohner
Rep. M. Wheatley
Rep. N. Abbott
Rep. B. King
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. V. Snow
1.H.B. 107 Small Claims Amendments (Brammer, B.)
Rep. Brammer presented the bill.
Mike Sonntag, American Property Casualty Insurance Association, Bear River Insurance, spoke against the bill.
Michael Drechsel, Assistant State Court Administrator, Administrative Office of the Courts, commented on the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Snow moved to pass H.B. 107 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-0.
Yeas - 12Nays- 0Abs- 0
Rep. N. Abbott
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. K. Birkeland
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. B. King
Rep. K. Lisonbee
Rep. S. Pitcher
Rep. J. Rohner
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. V. Snow
Rep. M. Wheatley
Chair Hawkins asked for the Policy Analyst and Committee Secretary to introduce themselves.
2.H.B. 51 Gestational Agreement Amendments (Gwynn, M.)
Rep. Matthew Gwynn presented the bill with the assistance of Brittany Ross, constituent.
Lauren Barros, private attorney, commented on the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Brammer moved to pass H.B. 51 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 9-1-2.
Yeas - 9Nays- 1Abs- 2
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. K. Birkeland
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. B. King
Rep. S. Pitcher
Rep. J. Rohner
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. M. Wheatley
Rep. N. Abbott
Rep. K. Lisonbee
Rep. V. Snow
3.H.B. 111 Court-appointed Therapists Amendments (Teuscher, J.)
Rep. Jordan Teuscher presented the bill with the assistance of Brent Hall, family law attorney.
MOTION:Rep. King moved to pass H.B. 111 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 6-5-1.
Yeas - 6Nays- 5Abs- 1
Rep. N. Abbott
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. B. King
Rep. S. Pitcher
Rep. V. Snow
Rep. M. Wheatley
Rep. K. Birkeland
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. K. Lisonbee
Rep. J. Rohner
Rep. T. Seegmiller
4.H.B. 141 Target Shooting Regulations (Whyte, S.)
Rep. Steven Whyte presented the bill with the assistance of Rep. Lisonbee.
Clark Aposhian, Chairman, Utah Shooting Sports Council, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Birkeland moved to pass H.B. 141 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1.
Yeas - 11Nays- 0Abs- 1
Rep. N. Abbott
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. K. Birkeland
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. B. King
Rep. K. Lisonbee
Rep. S. Pitcher
Rep. J. Rohner
Rep. V. Snow
Rep. M. Wheatley
Rep. T. Seegmiller
5.H.B. 148 Commitment in Criminal Proceedings (Abbott, N.)
Rep. Abbott presented the bill.
William Carlson, Chief Policy Advisor, Justice Division, Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office, spoke against the bill.
Mark Moffat, criminal defense attorney, spoke in favor of the bill.
Rena Rogers, Mental Health Advocate, Peers Impowering Peers Utah, spoke against the bill.
Andrew Riggle, Public Policy Advocate, Disability Law Center of Utah, spoke against the bill.
Ginger Lenore Phillips spoke against the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Pitcher moved to hold H.B. 148.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION:Rep. Lisonbee moved to replace H.B. 148 with 1st Substitute H.B. 148.The substitute motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. N. Abbott
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. B. King
Rep. K. Lisonbee
Rep. S. Pitcher
Rep. J. Rohner
Rep. M. Wheatley
Rep. K. Birkeland
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. V. Snow
MOTION:Rep. Lisonbee moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. N. Abbott
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. J. Hawkins
Rep. B. King
Rep. K. Lisonbee
Rep. S. Pitcher
Rep. J. Rohner
Rep. M. Wheatley
Rep. K. Birkeland
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. T. Seegmiller
Rep. V. Snow
Chair Hawkins adjourned the meeting at 4:47 p.m.