Members Present: Sen. John D. Johnson, Chair Rep. V. Lowry Snow, Chair Sen. Lincoln Fillmore Sen. Keith Grover Sen. Ann Millner Sen. Kathleen A. Riebe Rep. Melissa G. Ballard Rep. Kera Birkeland Rep. Dan N. Johnson Rep. Karen Kwan Rep. Bradley G. Last Rep. Carol Spackman Moss | Rep. Jefferson Moss Rep. Susan Pulsipher Rep. Adam Robertson Rep. Andrew Stoddard Rep. Steve Waldrip Rep. Christine F. Watkins Staff Present: Alex R. Janak, Managing Policy Analyst Micah Ann Wixom, Policy Analyst Michael E. Curtis, Managing Associate General Counsel Amy Shewan, Associate General Counsel Taylor Calabrese, Administrative Assistant |
Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at
1.Committee Business |
Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 1:39 p.m. |
MOTION:Rep. Watkins moved to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2021, meeting.The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-6. | |||
Yeas - 12 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 6 | |
Rep. K. Birkeland Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. K. Grover Rep. D. Johnson Sen. J. Johnson Rep. K. Kwan Sen. A. Millner Rep. C. Moss Rep. S. Pulsipher Sen. K. Riebe Rep. V. Snow Rep. C. Watkins | Rep. M. Ballard Rep. B. Last Rep. J. Moss Rep. A. Robertson Rep. A. Stoddard Rep. S. Waldrip |
2.Education Interim Committee 2022 Study Items and Interim Preparation |
2 - 2022 Education Interim Committee Required Reports |
2 - 2022 Study Items List |
2 - Adopted 2022 Study Items List |
Micah Wixom presented on the study items for 2022. |
Rep. Birkeland moved to amend the study items list to remove the Hope Scholarship item and substitute it with studying parent involvement in student learning options. |
The committee discussed the amendment. |
MOTION:Rep. Birkeland moved to amend the study items list to remove the "Hope Scholarship"" item and replace it with "studying parent involvement in student learning options." The motion passed with a vote of 14-1-3. | |||
Yeas - 14 | Nays- 1 | Abs- 3 | |
Rep. M. Ballard Rep. K. Birkeland Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. K. Grover Rep. D. Johnson Sen. J. Johnson Rep. B. Last Sen. A. Millner Rep. C. Moss Rep. J. Moss Rep. S. Pulsipher Rep. A. Robertson Rep. V. Snow Rep. C. Watkins | Sen. K. Riebe | Rep. K. Kwan Rep. A. Stoddard Rep. S. Waldrip |
Rep. Kwan asked a question about the order of the study item list. |
MOTION:Sen. Millner moved to approve the study items list as amended.The motion passed with a vote of 14-1-3. | |||
Yeas - 14 | Nays- 1 | Abs- 3 | |
Rep. M. Ballard Rep. K. Birkeland Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. K. Grover Rep. D. Johnson Sen. J. Johnson Rep. B. Last Sen. A. Millner Rep. C. Moss Rep. J. Moss Rep. S. Pulsipher Sen. K. Riebe Rep. V. Snow Rep. C. Watkins | Rep. K. Kwan | Rep. A. Robertson Rep. A. Stoddard Rep. S. Waldrip |
MOTION:Rep. Johnson moved to authorize the committee chairs to independently open committee bill files pertaining to the study items, sunset items, and audit reports adopted by the committee.The motion passed with a vote of 15-0-3. | |||
Yeas - 15 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 3 | |
Rep. M. Ballard Rep. K. Birkeland Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. K. Grover Rep. D. Johnson Sen. J. Johnson Rep. K. Kwan Rep. B. Last Sen. A. Millner Rep. C. Moss Rep. J. Moss Rep. S. Pulsipher Sen. K. Riebe Rep. V. Snow Rep. C. Watkins | Rep. A. Robertson Rep. A. Stoddard Rep. S. Waldrip |
3.Legislative Audit: Public Education Teacher Retention |
3 - Teacher Retention Audit Presentation |
3 - USBE Teacher Retention Audit Response |
3 - Performance Audit of Teacher Retention Within Utah's Public Education System 2021-13 |
Kade Minchey, Auditor General, and Leah Blevins, Audit Manager, Office of the Legislative Auditor General, presented on how to use the office's website. |
Matthias Boone, Audit Supervisor, Office of the Legislative Auditor General, and Leah Blevins presented on A Performance Audit of Teacher Retention Within Utah's Public Education System and answered a series of questions from the committee. |
Jennifer Throndsen, Director of Teaching and Learning, Utah State Board of Education, answered questions from the committee. |
Matthias Boone and Leah Blevins continued presenting and answered a series of questions from the committee. |
Skylar Scott, Legislative Performance Auditor, Office of the Legislative Auditor General, answered questions from the committee. |
Matthias Boone and Leah Blevins answered additional questions from the committee. |
Patty Norman, Deputy Superintendent of Student Achievement, Utah State Board of Education, and Jennifer Throndsen provided an agency response to the audit and answered questions from the committee. |
3 - USBE Teacher Retention Audit Response |
The committee discussed the presentation. |
4.Legislative Audit: Higher Education Police Departments |
4 - Performance Audit of Higher Education Police Departments 2022-01 |
4 - Performance Audit of Higher Education Police Departments Presentation |
Jake Dinsdale, Senior Audit Supervisor, and Darin Underwood, Deputy Auditor General, Office of the Legislative Auditor General, presented on A Performance Audit of Higher Education Police Departments and answered questions from the committee. |
Dave Woolstenhulme, Commissioner of Higher Education, and Spencer Jenkins, Associate Commissioner of Higher Education, Utah System of Higher Education, provided an agency response to the audit. |
5.Higher Education: Aligning Technical Education Credit Hours |
5 - USHE Transition to Credit and Alignment Initiatives Presentation |
Amy Shewan provided a brief introduction on transferring credit hours from technical colleges to degree-granting institutions. |
Kim Ziebarth, Associate Commissioner of Higher Education, Utah System of Higher Education, presented on aligning credit hours in technical colleges and degree-granting institutions. |
Kim Ziebarth and Dave Woolstenhulme answered questions from the committee. |
6.Adjourn |
MOTION:Sen. Riebe moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 14-0-4. | |||
Yeas - 14 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Rep. M. Ballard Rep. K. Birkeland Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. K. Grover Rep. D. Johnson Sen. J. Johnson Rep. B. Last Rep. C. Moss Rep. J. Moss Rep. S. Pulsipher Sen. K. Riebe Rep. V. Snow Rep. S. Waldrip Rep. C. Watkins | Rep. K. Kwan Sen. A. Millner Rep. A. Robertson Rep. A. Stoddard |
Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 3:52 p.m. |