Monday, February 6, 2023 • 3:40 p.m. • 110 Senate Building

Members Present:
Rep. Ken Ivory, Chair
Rep. Cheryl K. Acton, Vice Chair
Rep. Jennifer Dailey-Provost
Rep. Steve Eliason
Rep. Stephanie Gricius
Rep. Sandra Hollins
Rep. Tim Jimenez
Rep. Marsha Judkins
Rep. Quinn Kotter
Rep. Rosemary T. Lesser
Rep. Anthony E. Loubet
Rep. Raymond P. Ward

Members Absent:
Rep. Stewart E. Barlow
Rep. Robert M. Spendlove

Staff Present:
Seth Anderson, Policy Analyst
Ashley Dibble, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Chair Ivory called the meeting to order.
MOTION:Rep. Loubet moved to approve the minutes from the February 1, 2023, meeting.The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-4.
Yeas - 10Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. R. Spendlove
Rep. R. Ward
1.H.B. 23 Forensic Mental Health Amendments (Eliason, S.)
Rep. Eliason presented the bill.
Elizabeth Klc, Director, Utah Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council, spoke in favor of the bill.
Bernie Hart, Founder and CEO, Understanding Us, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Dailey-Provost moved to replace H.B. 23 with 1st Substitute H.B. 23.The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-3.
Yeas - 11Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. R. Spendlove
Rep. R. Ward
MOTION:Rep. Dailey-Provost moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 23 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-3.
Yeas - 11Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. R. Spendlove
Rep. R. Ward
2.H.B. 290 Medicaid Waiver for Medically Complex Children Amendments (Eliason, S.)
Rep. Eliason presented the bill.
David Burton spoke in favor of the bill.
Gina Pola-Money, Chair, Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities, spoke in favor of the bill.
Emilee Wagner spoke in favor of the bill.
Nate Crippes, Public Affairs Supervising Attorney, Disability Law Center, spoke in favor of the bill.
Christopher Layton spoke in favor of the bill.
Jennifer Adams spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Acton moved to replace H.B. 290 with 1st Substitute H.B. 290.The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-4.
Yeas - 10Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. R. Spendlove
Rep. R. Ward
MOTION:Rep. Acton moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 290 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-4.
Yeas - 10Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. R. Spendlove
Rep. R. Ward
3.H.B. 264 Certified Nursing Assistants Amendments (Maloy, A. Cory)
Rep. Maloy presented the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Judkins moved to pass H.B. 264 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-6.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 6
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. R. Spendlove
Rep. R. Ward
MOTION:Rep. Dailey-Provost moved to place H.B. 264 on the Consent Calendar.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-6.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 6
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. R. Spendlove
Rep. R. Ward
4.H.B. 288 Opioid Dispensing Requirements (Welton, D.)
Rep. Welton presented the bill.
Dave Davis, President, Utah Retail Merchants Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
Adam Jones, Executive Director, Utah Pharmacy Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
Maryann Martindale, CEO, Utah Academy of Family Physicians, spoke to the bill.
Michelle McOmber, CEO, Utah Medical Association, spoke to the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Judkins moved to replace H.B. 288 with 1st Substitute H.B. 288.The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-5.
Yeas - 9Nays- 0Abs- 5
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. R. Spendlove
Rep. R. Ward
MOTION:Rep. Judkins moved to amend 1st Substitute H.B. 288 with Amendment #1.The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-5.
Amendment 1
1st Sub. H.B. 288
1 .        Page 4, Line 116 through Page 5, Line 121 :  Page 4, Line 116 through Page 5, Line 121
116                 (c) a medication that is being prescribed to a patient for the treatment of the patient's
117         substance abuse or opiate dependence.
118                 (4) (a) Beginning January 1, 2024, a prescriber shall offer to prescribe or dispense an opioid
119         antagonist to a patient if the patient receives an initial opiate prescription for:
120                 (i) 50 morphine milligram equivalents or more per day, calculated in accordance with
121         guidelines developed by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; or

Yeas - 9Nays- 0Abs- 5
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. R. Spendlove
Rep. R. Ward
MOTION:Rep. Judkins moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 288 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-4.
Yeas - 10Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. R. Spendlove
5.H.B. 229 Local Education Agency Employee Paid Leave (Ballard, M.G.)
Rep. Ballard presented the bill with assistance of Andrea Seminario, Principal, Northwest Middle School, and McCail Evans, Counselor, Beaver High School.
Chase Clyde, Government Relations and Political Action Director, Utah Education Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
Brett Baker spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Dailey-Provost moved to replace H.B. 229 with 2nd Substitute H.B. 229.The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-3.
Yeas - 11Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. R. Spendlove
MOTION:Rep. Dailey-Provost moved to pass 2nd Substitute H.B. 229 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 9-2-3.
Yeas - 9Nays- 2Abs- 3
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. R. Spendlove
MOTION:Rep. Gricius moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-3.
Yeas - 11Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Eliason
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hollins
Rep. K. Ivory
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. Q. Kotter
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. A. Loubet
Rep. R. Ward
Rep. C. Acton
Rep. S. Barlow
Rep. R. Spendlove
Chair Ivory adjourned the meeting.